My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I just finished this book—and my mind is reeling. What a (in a good way!) horrible, horrible story, brilliant, a head-banger, creepier than anything I’ve ever seen from Chris. I’m still twitching, shaking off images from the last part of the book the way a horse twitches its skin to jettison a fly.
It’s a horrible story because of the human tragedy and trauma that comprise it. It’s creepy because you want—no, you need—to know that you’re not that vulnerable—but guess what? No guarantees. It’s creepy because—oh, wait, I can’t spoil the surprise. Suffice it to say, children deserve better. The really creepy part, however, is the way it resolves. Holy smoke. Did not see that coming. The circle is complete.
Don’t worry---though the story itself is chillingly dark, the ingredients are pure CB: wit, depth, connection, insight, astonishing versatility through the voice changes, brilliant illumination of the human psyche under impossible duress, passion, creativity, and an inexorable adherence to the truth—of the story, as he’s created it. It just rings true, which serves to enhance its readability even further, though I found more dread with each turning page. I sure couldn’t stop turning the pages, though. No way.
A huge CB fan, I blame many sleepless nights on him. With good reason. His latest, The Night Strangers, is no exception. If you like a good horror story, I urge you on. However, first polish up your Dream Catcher over your bed, program a crystal for your bedside with Protection, double-bolt all your doors and settle in with a pot of Chamomile Tea. It’s going to be a bumpy night.
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