The holiday season has inspired conversations on change, transition, 2012 ascension, and more.
In working with a client the other day, I asked him to think about this question:
Knowing that we are a part of this 2012 Ascension process, How do I want to show up for and in 2012?How do I want to show up physically?How do I want to show up Mentally?Emotionally?Spiritually?
Our ensuing discussion resulted in some great insights. I resolved then to do the same for myself. Uh oh, here it is the last momentous day of 2011, and I still haven't. So, here we are, down to it.
I do, by the way, always seem to end up looking at this question at this time of year, as do many of us. It was helpful to hear life coach Kim DuBrul speaking yesterday morning on Star 92.9 about this very thing. She had a great suggestion. When reviewing your year and all that has transpired, refrain from focusing on what you didn't get done. Focus, rather, on all that you did experience and achieve. Be kind to yourself.
OK, here we go.
How do I want to show up physically in 2012?
I want to be radiating marvelous and optimum health at all levels! Asthma is a thing of the past. I am energetic and take all the Right Action steps to achieve my goals.
How do I want to show up mentally?
With clarity, insight, awareness and inspiration; with objectivity and nonjudgment, and the ability to maintain focus on what's important.
How do I want to show up emotionally?
With equanimity, respect, balance and boundaries. With joy, peace and love.
How do I want to show up Spiritually?
hmmm ... that's a juicy one. Attuned, tapped in to Cosmic Consciousness. Fearlessly. With love and compassion, courage and strength. I have a feeling our resources will be tapped in this coming year, and I want to be ready. I want to be able to be a resource of love and support for those in my family, my circle, my life. So I believe Inner Connection will be important, a strong connection to our Higher Self, and to Source. Outward indications point to a really interesting time, especially if you Read Between the Lines and go beyond mainstream media. Many of us have known this for a long time; yes, it is here now.
So, bottom line, that's how I want to show up for and in 2012, yet what it boils down to is Love. Love myself more. Love you more. Love our Earth more, and our galactic home. Love is a beautiful, healing vibration that can change lives, move mountains.
So, here's wishing you lots of Love in 2012. Happy travels~