I went to the Burlington Earth Clock a couple days ago. I missed the Imbolc celebration the day before, so I wanted to tune in. It was pretty brisk out, but no snow, all was quiet on the shoreline; only one or two passersby on the bike path the whole time I was there.
As I approached, I sensed the energy of the circle, it was just beautiful. It was still resonating from the activities the day before. It’s really settled into the landscape and the geography, I was noting the way it seems to anchor the energy of the whole area.
I passed between the stones, into the circle, and was immediately enveloped by its palpable energy field. I stood and took it in, then walked slowly to the power spot, just off center. I rotated slowly counterclockwise, to draw the energy into my Self, receive it with intention. I haven’t been running on all cylinders lately, so it felt right to do some receiving.
And then I switched gears, and pulled out my Cosma Creations Ascension 2012 energy battery. Now that 2012 is here, I’ve been working with the energy of it, which is coming in to Earth from the center of the galaxy. It’s quite astonishing to remote view it, or just go there with your energy body. And even cooler is how my Ascension 2012 battery really acts as a key or conduit to link up our own energy body with this “superwave” coming in now. I had a lot of fun last week listening to astrophysicist Dr. Paul Laviolette explaining to Kerry Cassidy how he discovered these superwaves emitting from the center of the Milky way. Fascinating! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oURVtGKW420 It’s these cyclic waves of energy that are responsible for the evolutionary changes that occur quite suddenly, according to David Wilcock. He reported on an experiment by a Russian scientist, who beamed a laser light through a petri dish of salamander eggs into a petri dish of frog eggs. Can you guess? The frog eggs turned into perfect little salamanders. The laser had carried that genetic information into the frog eggs and, presto change-o!
So imagine for a moment what this huge-beyond-measure superwave of energy coming at us now is doing energetically … to us, to our DNA, to our cells and our brains. How are we being affected? I actually think that all the EMFs that we are being hit with from our own planet, the cell phone, microwave and radio wave energies, etc., are acting as homeopathic doses to prepare us for what’s coming in… Call me crazy (you won’t be the first!) but that’s what I think.
So, back at the Earth Clock, I took out my Ascension 2012 battery and used it to activate all the stones. I liked the idea of turning the clock into a portal for that cosmic wave. Perhaps it will stabilize it as it comes in … who knows? It’s all a guessing game at this point, but I figure, our intuition is one of our best assets now, in terms of figuring all this out.
When I was finished, the stones were vibrating even more beautifully; the circle was definitely in alignment with my intention. I then walked inside the circle clockwise, to get the energy flowing out, plug into the Planetary Grid to feed the whole planet.
The Earth Clock offers a beautiful sacred space to tune in, to receive, to connect to Source and Gaia and All That Is. These connections can only serve us well in these changing times, so take advantage of it and other sacred spaces as you chart your course through your days.
Happy 2012!