Summertime is so beautiful in Vermont. It's what most of us put up with the winters for!
This summer seems to be a weird one, though, energetically. A lot of people I know are going through major things. Big, life-changing things. Curveballs from the universe included. Out of nowhere--BAM!--and everything is different.
I've been taking such pleasure in the visual gifts Vermont offers. Especially here in the Champlain Valley. The lake is such a beautiful presence. It serves many ways to us here; our boundary and protector, our playground, our solace and refuge. The deva of Lake Champlain watches over us, too. It's just different here than on the eastern side of the state. (Which is just as beautiful, too!)
I've been opening up to receive all the exquisite beauty around me--the colors, the riches of my town's lawns and gardens are a delight. They are a beautiful balm for a difficult time of huge transition for myself, too.
So, I wish everyone lots of the good stuff of summer right now. And that we all be sure to take the time that we need for ourselves; to right our course, to smell the flowers, to cool in our beautiful lakes and rivers, to feel the sun on our skin and the wind in our hair. Stash away these memories for later, because later is a whole different situation. A cold and white one.
Happy Summer!