Wow, so much going on in the world.
The events in Japan, and the aftermath, are awe-full to behold. For a being, and a body, the size of Gaia’s, it’s just a little shake, but look at how that translates in human terms. It’s mind-boggling to even think about, but seeing the TV footage really brings it home.
This morning a friend came over and we did a meditation for healing for Japan. I assigned two gorgeous big clear quartz crystals to the job. Clara held one and I held the other. First we sprayed the Clearing essence on them, to clear the crystals, and then we focused the Clearing energy over the country of Japan. I learned long ago that in working with traumatic events, you first need to remove the energy of the trauma, otherwise there’s nowhere for the healing energy to go. And that's where the Clearing energy comes in beautifully.
So we sent the Clearing energy over the whole country of Japan, but concentrated in the northeast, where the damage is heaviest. As soon as we tuned in, we both noticed the huge flow of energy—prayers, fervent wishes and good energy—going there from everywhere. It was a huge river of energy, beautiful and strong. The energy of the trauma was thick and dark and dense in my mind’s eye over that part of Japan. I visualized the Clearing energy as vortices spinning counterclockwise, to penetrate into the density, to clear away that energy of pain, anguish, fear and grief. We called in our angelic and archangelic Friends and loved ones in Spirit to join us, and it was obvious when they instantaneously did. Using the crystal in my hands to focus the energy, I sent it with Love, asking that it be directed to where it needed to go. We also asked that it be received in the same intention as it was offered, that all beings and Gaia herself receive the energy of Clearing for its most optimum outcome. After a few minutes I realized it was time to pull out the energy being exuded now, spinning the vortices clockwise, so the energy of the trauma could be released, carried on the flow of the Clearing that had been received. At some point I felt a shift, and it all felt quite a bit lighter.
Right about then the phone rang, and I answered it, after seeing who the caller was. It was just perfect—the call lasted just long enough that when I disconnected and tuned back in, we both realized that the Clearing energy had had a few minutes more to keep working, processing the energy of the trauma. That’s when I became aware that the nature spirits overseeing those regions were taking this energy and focusing it to where it was most needed. It almost seemed like we were sending in this beam of light to a prism, which was refracting it into different wavelengths and directing it onward to the best place. In fact, Clara echoed that vision a few minutes later. “I see a crystal over the whole place,” she said, “And it’s receiving this whole stream of energy and splitting it up, sending it to the different places it’s needed.”
We then switched to the Healing frequency, spraying that essence on ourselves and the crystals, and again directing it to Japan. I noticed that the Healing was being accepted, drawn in nicely. We programmed these crystals to keep broadcasting these frequencies, and asked our Spirit friends to keep up the effort, guiding these energies for the highest benefit of Japan’s land, people, flora and fauna.
Then we used two different crystals and went to work on the turmoil in the Middle East. It was immediately obvious that here was hate and rage, rather than the pain and grief and overwhelm that characterized the Japanese situation. Clara found a hard crusty shell of energy over the Middle East which was hard to penetrate. “I’m just holding the space for Clearing,” she said. I was seeing something similar, but I was also seeing these little threads, roots, in the density and darkness that extended back aeons in time to the origins of these conflicts.
I tried contacting the nature spirits ruling the regions there, and found some of them distorted energetically by the will of the cultures, the peoples and their lands, that they oversee. Free Will is in blatant display here, but in a context of (to borrow again from the Abraham material) going upstream, to hate and struggle, and the corresponding pushing against. I put forth the intent that everyone there, and indeed all world leaders, relax, open their hearts, and go with the flow downstream to Love and All That Is. That felt very appropriate and effective. Clara and I programmed these crystals for that purpose, and they will all remain so for the time being, holding and broadcasting our intent, which of course is subject to the Divine Plan.
We talked about watching our own thought processes, and Clara offered a beautiful insight: “When we open our hearts, we’ll open for them as well; when we choose to flow Downstream, we’ll also flow for them; when we choose Love, we’ll choose it for them, too.” We are our brothers’ keeper, face it. Only one of us here. So, join us in choosing Love, won’t you?
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