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Throwing a dinner party for friends is one of my favorite ways to give and receive! |
My brain goes some strange places ... I share this in case anyone wants to come along for the ride. Here is where you can keep up with my current confessions of magical mischief and derring-do!
Sunset in the Champlain Valley

So much to be grateful for!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Time of Giving, eh? -- So, Who's Doing The Receiving?
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Rocking My World of Rocks
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
An Urge to Write--Yes, YOU!
So that's why I always tell my clients to journal. If you don't, you're missing 70% of the journey, I really believe that.
BUT, why I think it's critical to journal now, is ... it's 2012, for God's sake. Let me say right off the top, I'm not talking about the end of the world scenario doom & gloom that Hollywood delivers. I'm talking about the end of many natural cycles that have long been prophesied to end with the advent of a golden age.
Just think for a moment, what if it's true? What if there's even a sliver of a possibility that this isn't just another year? What if things really change "out there?" Pretend for a moment it is true. Now pretend it's 20 years later, 2032, and your (great) grandchild asks you with all earnestness, "Gamps, what were you doing the year the world changed?" And you think, you ponder, and what comes to you is that job you were struggling with, and the general demoralization with the socio/economic/political structures falling apart at the seams, and how you bought a new car that year ... but what was going on inside you, that's a blur. You remember when It happened, and how you had to adjust to a whole new reality immediately, and how painful for western culture it was--but your own personal process is lost.
Really? You're going to let 2012 go by without recording it? Because what I'm coming to believe is, what's inside is what 2012 is all about. That's where it's really, mostly going to happen. It's the internal limitations breaking; it's the precepts that we all think are real that have created a totally false world--that's what's falling apart and ending. Who you are, what you know, what you think is true and real, and what is false, what your essence is, what you're made of ... all that is going to change.
So write it down. This is a moment in history that we've been waiting for a very long time.
Write it down.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ
I have been a proponent of removing fluoride from our water supply forever. I remember when my hometown, Middlebury, Vermont, started fluoridating our water, because my father was beyond furious. He testified, he ranted and raved to the town's Powers That Be, begging them to not do this. He was incredulous when they went ahead with their misguided decision. And that's the day he started getting our family's drinking water from a spring up in the mountains.
I was in 4th grade at the time, and at school the next day, having listened to his horrified conversations with mom and friends, I looked up fluoride in the dictionary. "A yellow-green poison" was the definition. I became utterly baffled upon reading that. Why any sane adult would choose to deliberately poison our water supply, I just could not comprehend. (That definition is hidden further down the paragraph nowadays).
Now, as an adult and having done years of research on that and many other topics related to health, food, etc., I know why. It doesn't change the fact that it's wrong; I was so hopeful when the matter came up for a vote in the city of Burlington--last year, was it? I was astonished that it didn't pass. We're paying for it with our bodies, our health, and now, it turns out, our intelligence. Well, most people are. (Most tap filters do not remove fluoride, if you think that's saving you). I choose not to.
I drive up to the mountains to get good spring water for me and my family to consume. It's ridiculous that I should have to--but many things about our culture are, these days.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
For Goodness' Sake ...
I aspire to weave goodness into my little corner of the Web. I know I fail miserably at times, but Goodness is the goal.
The impulse to do the right thing, to help when there's a need, to make life better for someone, somewhere, in some small way ...
We can see signs of goodness everywhere. There's the obvious places; the Food Shelves, the homeless shelters, etc. But in our own way, we each can create goodness as we walk through our days. If we pay attention, more opportunities present themselves.
Walking to my healing space this morning from the parking garage, there was an enormous tractor trailer trying to back up from Cherry Street around the tight corner onto Church Street in Burlington. A daunting task, to be sure, and the driver had to stop and pull ahead again to make a correction. I watched as several men passing by stopped to help. One was directing him from the front, another at the back, and the man picking up garbage on the street gave further help from the side. Concern for their fellow Man just kicked in and they stepped up.
This past weekend I took my son to the A&W Root beer stand in Middlebury for a root beer float. Of course, I couldn't resist the onion rings, nor my son the french fries and cheeseburger. When our food came, she attached the tray to my car window and cheerfuly announced "$11.85." I looked around for my wallet, and then sputtered with embarrassment when I realized I'd forgotten it at my friend's house down the road when we'd left.
"No problem," the young woman said. "Eat your food while it's hot and then go get your purse."
So that's what we did, greatly appreciating the goodness in her that created a good situation out of a potentially unpleasant one.
Calling to check on a friend having a hard time, sending a card, lighting a candle with a special prayer, holding a door on the street for someone, or dropping a quarter in an expired meter (not your own) with the meter man coming down the block ... little bursts of goodness--random acts of kindness--can make the world spin a little more smoothly for someone, can strengthen the threads of the Web of Life.
Who can you share your goodness with today? :-)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I love stormy days!
Then when you bring them back into your home--wow. Use the energy to Clear, Clear, Clear. What are you ready to let go of this week? Emotionally, mentally, physically ... use Nature's gift of the elements to enhance your ascension 2012 process of jettisoning what doesn't work, what isn't you or yours, what is getting in your way; let it all go, and make room for the new, the grand unfolding of the upgraded You you now get to align with, once you've created the space--your choice.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Summer Solstice in this year of Ascension 2012 ... where will you be?
I woke up this morning and did a meditation with my Ascension 2012 Essence blend, and it was fantastic. Well, the essence is amazing anyway, if I do say so myself. Using it with its affirmation, is really powerful. And, it creates a perfect link to enable you to tune into this superwave of energy coming from the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy, the very phenomena the 2012 prophecy is based on... Dr. Paul LaViolette calls it the Galactic Superwave in his youtube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADjnRaBa410&feature=related).
As a result of this meditation, I realized I really want to offer an Ascension 2012 workshop next Tuesday--twice, in fact! First, Tuesday morning, 9-12, and in the evening, 6-9.
The reason for doing it Tuesday is that the Summer Solstice is Wednesday. According to Peter Dawkins (zoence.com), we need to show up this solstice season. Here's a quote from his paper, Midsummer 2012 Baptism of Light, which I recommend. You can find it as a pdf linked on his home page. (Bold is mine.)
most important. Whatever we do, we're not to miss the midsummer solstice time. It is the most
important time of all. It is a time for us to both receive and evolve accordingly, and also to serve
and help others to rise up into the greater light that will be gifted to the world during that time.
It is a gift, a moment in time, and has to be grasped. If grasped, it can be held onto forevermore
and will lift the one who holds onto it up to higher levels of consciousness and evolution. If,
however, that moment in time is missed, it will be gone and the opportunity will be lost. It is up
to us to be in the right place at the right time, in the right consciousness and serving in the right
way, helping as many others as possible in the world to receive and be lifted up by this Great
Light that is coming to the world.
I for one am going to enjoy this opportunity and do ceremony every day, somewhere, on those days; June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Today, at my healing space in the Rainbow Institute, I did another marvelous meditation, with Cyndi, the director here. Wow. We first gathered some friends in the center of our space--see the photo above. We then invited our non-physical friends to come in, and we did indeed have quite a group. They joined us making some beautiful, brilliant magic. At the end, Kuan Yin reminded us that she too, is experiencing the marvelous process that is the 2012 Ascension, as are all the Ascended Masters, and gods/goddesses from all the traditions. She said we have to expand our awareness to allow all of them to blow out of their old molds and traditions and shift into the new golden age coming in, along with us. They're being held back by the binds and thoughtforms of our precepts, locking them into their original forms and accompanying traits. So, that was very cool. Everyone wants in on this new time of expansion, enlightenment, and awakening. What's not to like?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Are you finding yourself falling down the rabbit hole these days?
I've been having conversations with people about time lately, and how it is not linear, it doesn't really matter anywhere except the 3rd dimension. It's a construct. I look in that 9-year-old face, and I feel like I'm instantly there, flick of a switch. Yet, here I sit in my 6th decade of life. The backache I've had the last couple of days is telling me that my physical body is indeed, moving forward in time, accumulating hours and days' worth of living as my expiration date draws closer.
Or not?
I am re-listening to a great interview, for someone like me who's been waiting for 2012 for her entire life. Graham Dewyea interviews Hugh, who can't reveal his real name yet. Hugh is part of the ground crew that is helping prepare the transition for the Muggles into awareness and acceptance of the greater nature of Reality which means receiving our fellow humanoids from the other neighborhoods--uh, solar systems. They're here, and apparently the time-line is about six months behind because the world leaders have not all completed the process of disclosure to their citizens as they should have. But that's not my point.
I was talking about time. And in this interview, Hugh told a story in which he was stopped at a roadside overlook and hiking spot (this occurred about 3 weeks before the interview). A car pulled in, and a family of four got out. The mom and daughters (young women) climbed up and away to the overlook, while the father stood and spoke with Hugh. Hugh had an experience there and then that reminded me of what I've been observing lately myself.
He (according to his Vulcan friend that he's been in contact with for almost 20 years) started the conversation in the third dimension, and it ended in the fifth. The man's appearance at the start of the conversation was of a black man of 63 years, as he said to Hugh, but looked much older, with several teeth missing. After chatting a few minutes, Hugh turned to go back to his car. The man called to him, asking, "What's your name?"
When Hugh turned around, the man was young-looking, smiling with a perfect set of white teeth, appearing about 25 years of age! Hugh answered him, and the man turned and bounded up the steps to follow his family with the vigor of a young man!
Later Hugh asked his Vulcan friend what that was all about, and she explained what's happening here, now. The veils are lifting and this 2012 Ascension process is happening, and this is what it looks like!
We are going to need to broaden our definition of reality. We are going to have to be flexible and adjust frequently when things change right in front of our noses, or what we thought was happening turns into something else, and everyone else acts like it's normal.
The Vulcan also told Hugh that all those earth noises you've been hearing about? (there are many you tube videos about the strange sounds the earth is making everywhere on the planet) They are the sounds of our Mother Earth, our planet, as she expands into the 5th dimension. She told him, it's the sounds of the whole planet, earth, plants, trees, animals, oceans, as the binds of 3rd dimensional reality let go and expansion happens. (I'm paraphrasing). They're sounds of joy.
That made sense to me; I've heard some of these sounds, and it's wild stuff.
Hugh's contacts from other worlds have told him (and shown him) that indeed, our 5-D bodies are perfectly healthy. And what our new friends will bring to our world as this Ascension 2012 process unfolds, Hugh assured Graham in this conversation, is many, many improvements to our living and our health, our wealth, our life. The health/medical industry we currently struggle with will disappear, because we will be living in perfect health. Those folks working in that arena need not fear the loss of pay, because the new ways of living will create new jobs. Cleaning up the planet. Modifying our vehicles to levitate and have limitless power. It goes on and on.
Things look bleak out there in what is currently accepted reality. But don't get attached to it, because soon it's all going to change. It's happening to me; I'm feeling the Lightness and the Love and the Expansion that's already shifting things. It will soon be our new normal, and I couldn't be more excited to be here now. Be Here Now.
That's the best strategy in these interesting times. Be Here Now, be present, be in a state of gratitude and love yourself and others. Your heart chakra will most likely be trying to open up more to better receive the new energies coming in on this wave of transformation. Allow it! Relax, surrender to these galactic forces that are ever so much bigger than we are and enjoy the ride. That's my plan. Because ... it's supposed to be FUN!
2012 is here, and everything is changing. I love it.
P.S. With the intent of sharing with you another slice of my world, here's one of my favorite crystal friends (I've had it 30 years) at one of my favorite places. The crystal is vibrating with love and joy and peace and healing. Tune in, it's yours!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Transition is the theme these days ....
However, this is transition time, so down time is rare. Successfully moved out of the beautiful space that housed my production and my office the last year. It took all last week, but it's done. Now there're boxes in my garage instead of my car. I've partially moved into my new Healing space on Church Street in Burlington, Vermont, which is very exciting, and a whole new feel. Wow. It's going to take a few days to rearrange my brain and my energy bodies to accomodate the changes.

In between moving last week, I also created time to prepare for my table at the Earth Spirit Conference, which was this past Saturday (4/14). I wanted to have a flyer for my healing practice, but I didn't have a logo. I thought about perhaps tweaking my Cosma Creations logo, because I like it so much:
But I couldn't figure out how to do that. I didn't have extra time to create something new. After pondering for a few minutes, I got inspired to look in my art journal I've been creating this year. There are some really fun drawings in there and one element of one I did caught my eye.

So I was able to get a little mini flyer done for the conference. I picked them up at Kinko's Friday night after listening to Matt Townsend and Jeremy Hammond play at Radio Bean in Burlington. An awesome experience that was! https://www.reverbnation.com/matttownsend
The conference was fantastic. http://www.earthspiritconferences.com/ My friends Cameron and Glenn Broughton have been putting on these conferences for years now, and it's one of my favorite events. We heard from crop circle researcher Karen Alexander via Skype from the UK. My favorite quote: "Just about the only place Science & Religion meet is in their loathing and denial of the paranormal."
Author Michael Glickman also joined us from the UK in the same fashion. "Crop circles are mirrors in which we can polish our souls." Love that! Michael has written extensively on crop formations. Find him online. He took questions from the audience. I got in line with this one: "If we, in our 3-dimensional bodies, cast a 2-D shadow, could the crop formations be 3-D shadows of 5th-dimensional creations?" He assented his agreement that that was indeed possible. What do you think? Go to temporarytemples.co.uk to see Steve & Karen Alexander's images of the 2011 crop formations in England. Fantastic! http://www.temporarytemples.co.uk/imagelibrary/
On Sunday many from the conference gathered at the Burlington Earth Clock. http://circlesforpeace.org/ I took my 12-year-old son with me. The whole 20 minutes' ride into Burlington he gave me every reason in his head why I shouldn't make him go with me. I tried explaining that it was up to me as his mom, while he's a child and his life foundation is being built, to ensure him a rich variety of experience to broaden his viewpoint and understanding and world view. He didn't buy it. Nor did he stop complaining.
We get to the beautiful spot on the lakeshore just north of Oakledge park in Burlington where the stones of the Earth Clock stand sentinel on Blanchard Beach. What a marvelous space those stones hold. As Glenn Broughton explained in his homily at All Soul's Interfaith Gathering that night, "The stones aren't the most important thing in a stone circle. The space they hold, is."
I proceeded to unpack my crystal singing bowl, walking around the circle playing it (F or the heart chakra). I noticed my son climb up on one of the big stones, sitting there from his perch observing the 50-odd folks mingling, talking, greeting and hugging. He seemed very happy.
Some 20 minutes later he came to me and whispered discreetly, "Mom, I'm going down to the beach." I smiled my assent and off he went.
Our ceremony, lead by David Brizendine and Jeanette Bacevius, was simple, beautiful, and inspiring. The drumming was fantastic, and got everyone moving. David plays a bass drum like ... well, like no one else.
It was an hour and a half before we closed the circle, and I went to look for my son. I had to laugh when I peeked over the sea wall and there he was, lying on the sand. No, in the sand. He'd covered himself up, over his clothes, from his toes to his neck. He looked so comfortable and happy, languidly dribbling sand out of his fingers, soaking up the sun and sand energies and the energy of the water, waves lapping a few feet away.
I made my way down to him, sat beside him, enjoying the space he had created. "What a great idea," I told him. "You look so comfortable." "I am," he said. After a minute or two, he said, "Are we ready to go?" I said, "Sure, anytime."
He lay there another minute or two, then sat up, slowly brushing off the sand. As he stood he gazed at the water and said, "That was fun." The appreciation in his voice was clear, the contentment he exuded radiant. And I felt validated, insisting that he come with me. I reveled in the fact that he'd enjoyed lying on his back in the sand, just being ... alone with his thoughts, and the elements caressing him. Time out, space out--time to just be.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Relationships ...
I’m looking for a large book to put under my macbook before I sit down with it in my lap. I grab the nearest qualifying book: Diana - Portrait of a Princess. There’s a photo of her on the paper bookcover that is captivating; beautiful and glamorous, she appears fresh and wild, majestic and magical, at the same time.
That’s what makes me think of her now—I first married within weeks of Diana and Charles, had a child in the same timeframe, and I often ruminated from afar in those early childhood/motherhood years, on what a great mother she seemed to be. Seeing those two boys turn into the young men they have, and how great they turned out (from the available evidence), is heartwarming to see. That first child of mine turned out great, also. Motherhood, I’ve decided, is always going to challenge me. I’ll never have it all figured out. I actually used to think that was possible, that I’d eventually just know what to do in every situation. Ha! It’s a guessing game and I find myself winging it a lot. Teenage boys are, of course, a very unique breed, capable of random acts of greatness and boundless energy, and often immersed in that special human mood reserved for teenagers. You know, the one where your decades’ worth of life experience “don’t count for anything” and, you keep looking for the Bang Head Here sign because you’ve tried everything else. Ah yes, an adventure indeed. But, that’s not why I started writing today. I digressed.
Or is this another digression? Hard to tell in a blog. Anyway, I called a friend to wish her a belated birthday this morning. We were talking about men (she’s married, I’m divorced) and she voiced to me her theory as to why she’s enjoying the company of older women now. “Women my age and up,” she said, which is mid-50s, “are still curious and still learning and growing, expanding. They’re wiser, more confident, and that’s fun to be around. They’re more interesting because they’re more interested.”
I agreed with her, and she went on to say, “Men, on the other hand, stay the same. If they were a horny pig at 17, they’ll be a horny pig at 87. They complain that women always want to change them. I don’t think so. I think, we just want them to change too, internally, to keep up with us. They don’t. And who they are at 25 is not so cute when they’re 65.”
Hmmm … food for thought, eh? I’ve always enjoyed my girlfriends, at every age. I recognized a kinship in the connection that is worth cultivating and nurturing, because girlfriends are there for each other in ways beyond normal loyalty, love and concern. We go through life and death together, literally, and those relationships are rock-solid when you take care of them.
My birthday friend did concede that there are the obvious exceptions to her rule. I had to tell her that in my circles of friends, the larger percentage of males are having an active spiritual life, in one way or another, than not, and that was satisfying to take note of. At the Earth Clock Equinox celebration last Saturday I’d bet almost half of the 75+ people that turned up were male.
Human relationships, family relationships, work relationships, all offer plenty of opportunity to learn more about ourselves. I’m grateful for the relationships with my girlfriends, some of which span most of five decades. They’re a constant in my life, a touchstone of support when my head starts spinning at the speed of Life around me. So thanks, ladies, goddesses and girlfriends in my life. I so appreciate you and all your magic, and how it enriches my life every day. I hope I do the same for you.
PS I think we should all send our (clean) panties to John Boehnert. He seems to want what we have, which he can’t, but perhaps a million panties will be consolation.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Releasing Judgment

Who would you be if you could release all self-judgment?
What if you did it, released all self-judgment?
Pause, let that idea percolate for a moment …
How would energy move through you, without all that resistance of self-judgment? How would you approach your day, your job, your family … your mirror on the wall? If there were no self-judgment, in its place would be self-acceptance, self-love, joy, expansion, Love, and connection. How do those words feel as you say them? Do you have to re-define them in this context?
I’ve had some mind-bending experiences lately. On February 17th, I had an Akashic Records reading with the extraordinary Christy Johnson—more on that later, but here's her site--I highly recommend her!
Then last week, my goddess group gathered around the computer and listened to Shifra Hendrie interview Rikka Zimmerman, an Access Consciousness facilitator. All of us in the room have been actively working and walking our spiritual path for a long time—and we were still blown away by what we heard. Here’s a link to that interview—I don’t know how long it will be up, but if you’re human and you have a pulse, it’s required listening, in my humble opinion.
So, back to judgment.
Some tidbits from Rikka Zimmerman about judgment: Judgment is a toxin, a contagion. Judgment never belongs to you, because you’re a Being of Pure Joy and Love. Judgment causes Separation. When you feel a judgment coming on, switch to Awareness instead. Awareness feels lighter, Judgment feels heavier—it has an emotional charge to it.
And this one I really like:
Any judgment I make of myself is a borrowed opinion.
So again, I ask you, who would you be if you released all self-judgment? What a great question, eh?
Not only does judgment create separation, it creates limitation and fear. Where have you been destroying yourself in order to maintain those limitations you bought into? What part of you have you shut down to maintain the lies?
I have been chewing through these questions for days, and I’m still chewing! Talk about food for thought!
Here’s another question Rikka asked:
What if you do actually work? What if you aren’t broken?
Just ask yourself those questions, and note how you feel inside. I feel a spark go off, a sudden illumination, and I feel lighter, brighter.
And there’s an opening with those questions. There’s a response from the Universe, a shift in the flow of what we’re allowing ourselves to receive. The opinion we hold of ourselves is the only thing that we allow in, the only thing the Universe can give us.
How’s that for a mouthful?
What if you are, and have always been, a beautiful, successful, dynamic, charismatic and joy-filled being? Hold that thought, and watch your heart chakra. Do you feel it warming, opening, softening? What if _____________ … (fill in the blank) ?
Play with that awhile, savor it ... what if it were true?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I went to the Burlington Earth Clock a couple days ago. I missed the Imbolc celebration the day before, so I wanted to tune in. It was pretty brisk out, but no snow, all was quiet on the shoreline; only one or two passersby on the bike path the whole time I was there.
As I approached, I sensed the energy of the circle, it was just beautiful. It was still resonating from the activities the day before. It’s really settled into the landscape and the geography, I was noting the way it seems to anchor the energy of the whole area.
I passed between the stones, into the circle, and was immediately enveloped by its palpable energy field. I stood and took it in, then walked slowly to the power spot, just off center. I rotated slowly counterclockwise, to draw the energy into my Self, receive it with intention. I haven’t been running on all cylinders lately, so it felt right to do some receiving.
And then I switched gears, and pulled out my Cosma Creations Ascension 2012 energy battery. Now that 2012 is here, I’ve been working with the energy of it, which is coming in to Earth from the center of the galaxy. It’s quite astonishing to remote view it, or just go there with your energy body. And even cooler is how my Ascension 2012 battery really acts as a key or conduit to link up our own energy body with this “superwave” coming in now. I had a lot of fun last week listening to astrophysicist Dr. Paul Laviolette explaining to Kerry Cassidy how he discovered these superwaves emitting from the center of the Milky way. Fascinating! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oURVtGKW420 It’s these cyclic waves of energy that are responsible for the evolutionary changes that occur quite suddenly, according to David Wilcock. He reported on an experiment by a Russian scientist, who beamed a laser light through a petri dish of salamander eggs into a petri dish of frog eggs. Can you guess? The frog eggs turned into perfect little salamanders. The laser had carried that genetic information into the frog eggs and, presto change-o!
So imagine for a moment what this huge-beyond-measure superwave of energy coming at us now is doing energetically … to us, to our DNA, to our cells and our brains. How are we being affected? I actually think that all the EMFs that we are being hit with from our own planet, the cell phone, microwave and radio wave energies, etc., are acting as homeopathic doses to prepare us for what’s coming in… Call me crazy (you won’t be the first!) but that’s what I think.
So, back at the Earth Clock, I took out my Ascension 2012 battery and used it to activate all the stones. I liked the idea of turning the clock into a portal for that cosmic wave. Perhaps it will stabilize it as it comes in … who knows? It’s all a guessing game at this point, but I figure, our intuition is one of our best assets now, in terms of figuring all this out.
When I was finished, the stones were vibrating even more beautifully; the circle was definitely in alignment with my intention. I then walked inside the circle clockwise, to get the energy flowing out, plug into the Planetary Grid to feed the whole planet.
The Earth Clock offers a beautiful sacred space to tune in, to receive, to connect to Source and Gaia and All That Is. These connections can only serve us well in these changing times, so take advantage of it and other sacred spaces as you chart your course through your days.
Happy 2012!