Who would you be if you could release all self-judgment?
What if you did it, released all self-judgment?
Pause, let that idea percolate for a moment …
How would energy move through you, without all that resistance of self-judgment? How would you approach your day, your job, your family … your mirror on the wall? If there were no self-judgment, in its place would be self-acceptance, self-love, joy, expansion, Love, and connection. How do those words feel as you say them? Do you have to re-define them in this context?
I’ve had some mind-bending experiences lately. On February 17th, I had an Akashic Records reading with the extraordinary Christy Johnson—more on that later, but here's her site--I highly recommend her!
Then last week, my goddess group gathered around the computer and listened to Shifra Hendrie interview Rikka Zimmerman, an Access Consciousness facilitator. All of us in the room have been actively working and walking our spiritual path for a long time—and we were still blown away by what we heard. Here’s a link to that interview—I don’t know how long it will be up, but if you’re human and you have a pulse, it’s required listening, in my humble opinion.
So, back to judgment.
Some tidbits from Rikka Zimmerman about judgment: Judgment is a toxin, a contagion. Judgment never belongs to you, because you’re a Being of Pure Joy and Love. Judgment causes Separation. When you feel a judgment coming on, switch to Awareness instead. Awareness feels lighter, Judgment feels heavier—it has an emotional charge to it.
And this one I really like:
Any judgment I make of myself is a borrowed opinion.
So again, I ask you, who would you be if you released all self-judgment? What a great question, eh?
Not only does judgment create separation, it creates limitation and fear. Where have you been destroying yourself in order to maintain those limitations you bought into? What part of you have you shut down to maintain the lies?
I have been chewing through these questions for days, and I’m still chewing! Talk about food for thought!
Here’s another question Rikka asked:
What if you do actually work? What if you aren’t broken?
Just ask yourself those questions, and note how you feel inside. I feel a spark go off, a sudden illumination, and I feel lighter, brighter.
And there’s an opening with those questions. There’s a response from the Universe, a shift in the flow of what we’re allowing ourselves to receive. The opinion we hold of ourselves is the only thing that we allow in, the only thing the Universe can give us.
How’s that for a mouthful?
What if you are, and have always been, a beautiful, successful, dynamic, charismatic and joy-filled being? Hold that thought, and watch your heart chakra. Do you feel it warming, opening, softening? What if _____________ … (fill in the blank) ?
Play with that awhile, savor it ... what if it were true?
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