It was incredible! So many good people, both attendees, and speaker/vendors. I enjoyed hanging out with so many old friends, and turning on new ones to my incredible energy tools and what they do. It--the convention--was a transformative experience for many people. One new customer--a woman I know I'll keep in touch with--had one major and 2 mini-breakdowns in the first 3 days. Having experienced the death of her sister and mother to cancer, and her ex to suicide, all in the last 2+ years, there was a lot of pain that needed releasing. The third one happened in front of my booth. I had just applied some of my energy essences to her, and balanced her aura with a wanding technique, when another friend came up and showed us his new essential oil which he'd just purchased from another vendor. "It's called Transformation," he told us, and applied a drop to our 3rd eye chakras. Well, a couple minutes later this woman burst into tears and sobbed for 5 minutes on the shoulder of another wonderful customer-friend who happened by. Then she stopped and started laughing and smiling again. Transformation indeed!
It was so good to be able to have those conversations that I have wanted to have for a long time with friends I haven't seen in months, or longer. Catching up on, not only personal things, but comparing notes on the cosmic and global issues. Wonderful, inspired and inspiring conversations happened every time I turned around. The real fun part for me was turning people on to my essences and batteries. Especially the ones who are "out there" anyway. They sit down with my batteries, hold it to the heart chakra for a moment, and then go, "Oh! ... Oh, yes. Nice." and then they're quiet for a minute, while I watch the facial expressions go from bliss to amazement to joy and back again. I love it.
The really sensitive ones, John Butler, for instance, an amazing healer from Syracuse, just giggled the second he picked it up. Then he laughed. This is all with his eyes closed, he's just taking in the energy and having a ball with it. After trying the Ascension 2012 battery, when he finally could open his eyes, he said, haltingly, "This battery takes you to other dimensions." he paused, closed his eyes again. "You don't just bounce right back," he added. He bought it, right then and there, along with the Ascendant Man Battery. These are the two brand-new ones I made right before convention, and they were a big hit.
Wil Alaura, another great healer in the Syracuse area, enjoyed the batteries also. I ran him through the demonstration meditation, and he told me what he saw psychically, which was very cool. When I pointed out that it could be used two ways, one with the logo away from you, and one with it toward you, he said, "Well, there's a vortex in front of the logo, about 2 inches in front of it, it's right there, I see it." So, that was great; confirmation on what I already knew. The logo I created with MacDragon's help a couple years ago is the perfect symbol to represent my Work. Wil also gave me some great ideas about getting my essences out to practitioners, which I plan to follow up on. He bought the Anti-Stress and the Light Me Up batteries, two of my favorites.
I didn't attend many presentations at all, because I was at my booth selling and sharing and enjoying the peop

The other really exciting thing about convention was being able to have Barbara Evans's Image Key cards there, hot off the press. I was one of the five people to receive the prototype deck, which I brought to my Thursday morning Goddess Gathering. We worked with it, loved it, and provided some feedback for Barbara. The final product turned out beautifully. They are gorgeous! It's another thing, though, that people have to "get." "These aren't just pictures," I tell them. "They're multidimensional. A meditation with these images will take you amazing places." Some people did get it, and the cards (a really great price! $22). Barbara is doing an 11-11-11 event in Michigan, and has asked me to come. That's something to look forward to! Check out her divinely-inspired work at http://crystalwingshealingart.com/.
The other reall

Make your day a good one! :-)
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