Sunset in the Champlain Valley

Sunset in the Champlain Valley
So much to be grateful for!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning musings...

I woke up this morning with the birds. That's what happens when you leave your windows open at night in my neighborhood. Those birds are rockin' early. I sat up and looked at the clock and it was 4:44. Hmmm, so it's going to be that kind of day, is it? Oh, Good!

I pulled up the laptop, which is running at 44% battery right now as I write, incidentally, and got back to the David Wilcock video I was watching yesterday while on the Chi Machine and doing yoga. This is a great one (as his usually are). It's his appearance at the L.A. conference of Project Camelot, the Awake & Aware conference (I think in '09). It's really good. David really doesn't repeat himself much from event to event. I've seen and heard quite a bit of him, both on videos and in person. I've never heard some of what I was listening to on this video. I love it when he gets really out there.

In this one he is talking about the ley lines in England, sacred sites all over the world and how they are built on points on the Earth energy grid. He also spoke about how our reality consists of SpaceTime and TimeSpace, and how we bounce back and forth constantly between them, the former being 3D Space, 1D Time, and the latter being 3D Time, 1D Space. It's great stuff!
Then he gets into the stones themselves, the standing stones and the henges that you find in the UK along the ley lines. "The hyperdimensional energy is what makes the matter that is building the stones," he said. "The matter that makes these stones, the stone itself, the actual hard stuff, is built from hyperdimensional energy; energy from the Timefield is flowing into our SpaceTime. That's what, according to Dr. Dewey Larson, all matter is built from is this hyperdimensional exchange between 3 dimensional time, and three dimensional space. That's all it is. So of course you're going to get time anomalies. But it's also the energy that builds you, it builds your DNA, it builds your bodies, so when you get more of it flowing through you, you're going to get more health and vitality. Because it's the energy of your consciousness, because it IS consciousness."

I love a new explanation for something I have known in my bones for a long time, but trying to spell it out can be challenging. DW has a great way with words. Gregg Braden said in a video I saw yesterday that when we are happy and joyful and full of good energy, our hearts are beaming hugely--the energy extends for kilometers, he said. Just as David said in the quote above, if we get enough of the Life Source energy flowing through us, we are just better--stronger, smarter, healthier, happier. Abraham calls it connected to the Stream. I call it raising our frequency, aligning with our Higher Self. The point is, when we are vibrating that powerfully, we can move mountains. When we are that attuned to the energy that creates worlds, the Sourcefield (DW again), there are literally no limits. He talked also about time travel; how when you learn to go into Timespace, you can move either forward or backward. Depending on how you move, when you pop back into SpaceTime you can be either in the past or the future, if you like--if you jump in behind where you were when you left, you're in the past. If you come back ahead of where you were when you left, you're in the future. We just need to learn how to manipulate it consciously. Who's with me? Let's start practicing.

The bottom line is, we are living life in the fast lane right now, and I mean the cosmic, universal, it's-all-a-crap-shoot fast lane. We can hold our own, energetically, but we need to know how. There are voices of wisdom and knowledge out there who can show you the way ... find one who works for you, who makes sense to you, whose words resonate as truth in your heart... We aren't alone, though sometimes it may feel as if we are. Seek out those kindred spirits who can be your companion on the Path. I have many in my life, I'm blessed that way. Five of them came over yesterday, and we got ourselves in a really blissful and beautiful state with my energy essences, then we put pyramids on our heads and sent out amazing energy to heal the planet, with big crystals and wands in our hands, for good measure. Wow. The energy was astonishing under those pyramids.

If our heart energy extends for kilometers when we're feeling good, as Gregg Braden says, then how far does it go when amplified by large crystals and pyramids? I wonder what it looks like, energetically ... Does a spirit guide look down at the house and see all kinds of light and color streaming out of it for miles? Does it change when we switch the pyramid on our head from a pink one to a blue one? hmm ... interesting questions. I'm sure if you peeked in the window, we looked like a bunch of wingnuts, but we felt GREAT! I know we put out a lot of healing for Earth; for Japan, for the Mississippi flood victims, for the Gulf of Mexico, and all trouble spots on our planet.
It felt good. We're going to do a lot more of it. So if you're taking a walk one day, and a wave of bliss washes over you, it just might be that blast of crystal energy coming from my group of friends, sitting here in Vermont with pyramids on our heads. Offered to you, with our love. Enjoy!

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