Mother's Day morning.
Been awake for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet. Enjoying thinking about being a mom; thinking about my own mother, radiant angel she is now.
And glad to take the time to write this morning.
There's been a lot going on! And I'm thankfully creating opportunities for magic. That just feels more and more important than ever. We're having fun with it, too. That said, I just heard a friend say yesterday that the "Little Grandmother" Keisha Crowther has said recently that everyone needs to carry a quartz crystal now, she stressed that it was urgent.
I carry at least one, usually a few crystals on me at all times, have for years. It's nice to hear others promoting my favorite healthy habit. Speaking of crystals, Wednesday evenings I lead a Cosmic Playdate/Crystal Healing Meditation, and we've recently been working with the theme of the new influx of radiation being injected into our world from the Fukushima plant in Japan. On the face of it, there's not much we, the masses, can do about something like that ... There is one way, though, we can help, and that's with our intent, fueled by our own energy. So a couple of weeks ago, that's what we did. We prayed Dr. Emoto's prayer for the waters of the Fukushima plant, and for the waters of Japan.
We held crystal balls as proxies for Earth, and sprayed essences of Clearing on them, Joy, Love and Peace, visualizing each time that beautiful frequency bathing Earth in its radiance, for the benefit of Earth

It was a beautiful, energizing and peaceful exercise, and we all felt marvelous afterwards. Being filled up with these high frequencies makes it easy and fun to then energize our own life, our loved ones, our home and family. Every act, every word and deed becomes a sweet and sacred prayer, when performed in this state of Grace.
Come play with us some Wednesday evening if you're local, and want to share my path of crystal light; we gain so much, and give even more. What could be better than that?
At the last Cosmic Playdate, we continued with the radiation theme. With crystals to amplify the focus and transmission of the energy, we again did a brief healing of Earth, and then we focused on another aspect of the issue. I figured that with all of the Deva spirits in our world, there are obviously ruling Devas of this particular frequency or type of radiation that is leaking out in Japan. So we addressed that entity in our meditation, asking it to modify the nature of the radiation so as to render it harmless to human and all other life on Earth. We made our own energy offerings, through essences, of Love and Peace and Joy, then made our prayers for balance of our world and environment with this radiation leak. We felt big forces at play here, we felt we'd been heard.
But the best idea I had was the new reality we chose via my Subconscious Reset technique. I'll leave you with it to ponder. I came up with it when I realized that other than with our intent, our energy, we can't do anything about a nuclear meltdown. EXCEPT, evolve. Evolve! So here's the ultimate human challenge. Can we evolve our bodies, right now? David Wilcock told us in his presentations that we are evolving quite quickly these days, historically speaking. Specifically, he said we humans are now as different, in terms of our DNA, from the ancient Egyptians as they were from the Neanderthals. That blew my mind when he said that. We haven't stopped changing, and it feels to me, in fact, that change is accelerating. These are the ascension times, are they not?
So here's the reality we got into alignment with that night:
"I choose now to be a conscious participant with all of my cells of all of my bodies and my DNA, in my rapid evolution to accommodate our changing universe, and all its influences."
Like it? If so, use it. Pass it on. Let's just choose, right now, to evolve enough to use this kind of radiation as a vitamin. Vitamin R. You with us? Mass conscious evolution ... now's the time.
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