The other day I was called outside by the nature spirits--I had to go out to play. I climbed a hill by Shelburne Bay, and it was amazing to be out there. I felt so exhilarated, so supported and nurtured by Nature, it was a beautiful healing experience.
I love this time of year because it's Trillium Time. The trillium bloom is gorgeous, amazing. You can just feel the fairy energy all around you, walking among the trilliums. On the path I came to a spot on the wooded hillside where the beautiful white tri-petalled trilliums surrounded me. Their energy was so sweet and pure and happy! Their message to me was pure joy that day. I wanted to receive it, and receive it deeply.
I've talked on this blog about receiving before, how it's not as simple as it may seem when the bothersome human mind with all its issues gets in the way. Really receiving takes surrender--complete and utter surrender. Who does that? As folks who've studied with me know, the strength of the Goddess is in her surrender. Women are the Yin half of the equation. Just look at the word--it has "in" in it! The Yin is the receptive, the passive, the left side of our bodies. The strength of the Goddess is in her surrender.... Her ability to completely surrender and receive. The trick is to be discriminate in our surrender--be selective to those energies you surrender to. Keep a fine filter up there, so you can receive only the high vibrations of your choosing and keep away the other.
So there I was, sitting on a log on that hillside, with the winking trillium fairies all around me. I was carrying crystals in my hands as I hiked, of course. First I used them to channel my energy offering to the Spirit of the Place. I channeled Love and Healing, and then the energy of my custom "Marna" battery. I did it with conscious intent, asking for conscious feedback. Right away I felt the response from the trillium fairies, "Ooh, this is a fun human, this one knows how to play!"
One of the crystals I held was a double-terminated crystal (it has a natural point on both ends, whereas most quartz crystals grow out from the matrix and terminate at only one end.). Double-Terminated crystals are more powerful in the way they transmit energy, being a whole circuit unto themselves, one end being male and the other end female. I made sure the female end of the crystal was pointed out, and the male end of the crystal was pointed up my arm. This enabled me to use the crystal to receive the energies of the trillium more powerfully. (The female end of the crystal draws in, the male end emits.) I set my filter of intent to bring in the trillium energy. It was incredible! It felt light, bright, sparkly, twinkly, somehow other-worldly.
As someone who channels a lot of energy every day, my ability to send is very strong, because I'm always channeling it out, sending it with my sending hand, the right one. My left one (the natural receiver) is much weaker when it comes to sending, which is to be expected. However, my left hand should be as good at receiving as my right one is at sending, and that's not the case. Learning how to receive was such a big lesson for me last fall and winter with my illness, but as I've said, knowing that intellectually and even in my heart is not the same as actually being a good receiver on the energetic level. So I sat there with my crystal and opened up, really went into magnetic mode, just kept surrendering more and more to the influx of trillium joy and light. It wasn't as easy as it should have been. I had to keep consciously letting go more and more, relaxing into that mode. It worked, I was able to do it. The trillium fairies kept feeding it to me, more strongly. At first I just kept feeding it into my heart chakra, but after a bit, I sent it down my right arm with the out breath and into the crystal in that hand, sending it back out to them, with my love and gratitude added. Again, I felt the energetic response of that place, its Spirit. It was so happy to have my energy play with. It felt so good, I felt such peace, yet so energized, in this easy communion with the flower fairy realm.
Eventually I got up and kept hiking up the trail. At the top, there was another smorgasbord of trillium, all over the place. And they recognized me! When I reached them, they were already energetically greeting me, waiting for me. The Group Trillium Mind had alerted them to my passage, and they were waiting with open arms, faces, petals and leaves. So if you haven't gotten out to commune with the trillium yet, do so. There's only a few days left of their short season. Look them in their beautiful faces, give thanks for their joy and giving spirit, and revel in their being. Then tell them that Marna sent you. Tell them I said Hi. :-)
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