Sunset in the Champlain Valley

Sunset in the Champlain Valley
So much to be grateful for!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Birthday Vibrations!

A small gathering of folks near and dear to me provided the backdrop for a truly transcendant experience for me on Saturday evening.  My birthday falling on a Saturday was a clear indication from the Universe to have a party, no?  :-)  Dear friends offered to host it, and lo and behold, a fine time was had by all!

And by that I mean, drumming was the order of the event.  It all unfolded just as I dreamed ... amazing people, fantastic potluck food, and a serious overdose of drumming.  Quite a few of those attending are brilliant, beautiful drummers.  The stage was set by the fire in the fireplace, and the drumming just morphed into a most amazing journey into my being ... I'd never had quite an experience like that before.

The drum was on my lap, and as I played it, I became acutely aware of its voice.  I knew that its auditory expression was a combination of my inspiration, executed through the timbre and tone and character of that particular drum.  I reveled in that for a while, experimenting with hearing that voice, and expressing it, in different ways.  It was quite revelatory, in more ways than one.

And then I took a few steps back, and realized that what we were creating here was an orchestra, for lack of a better word ... a tapestry of sounds, all interwoven and playing to and balancing off of each other.  Each drum with its player was a separate voice, and how the resulting sounds came together to blend into this beautiful session was quite profound and significant for me.

I found myself utilizing the vibration--soaking it up intentionally into my chakras, holding the drum in different places as I played it, to target the various chakras.  I felt it really rattle my core, echo through my chakras, fill me up with its presence when I could allow it.

A cleansing to the core, a re-balancing and re-storing that has been long awaited... I am so grateful for dear friends, simple pleasures, profound insights and  ... Birthdays!

Wow.  A wild ride, to be sure.  I wish you a November as profound!