I had the extreme pleasure yesterday of receiving an incredible and quite advanced healing session yesterday at the hands of a dear friend and her partner. This cold has settled in my chest, and after a lifetime of asthma, that gets problematic. I’m not bouncing back, as I’m still not quite recovered from last fall’s illness. Thus, I was glad to have the opportunity to be on Cyndi’s table.
When we got to their house, the first thing I saw upon entering was two Siamese cats curled up in a kitchen chair. They looked right at me and my friend I came with, those two pairs of startling blue round eyes not just looking at me, but through me. Siamese cats are my favorite type of cat. These two are gorgeous. One big and dark & fluffy, the other small, sleek and very light. Carl & Louie. I had to laugh.
Coming to a new place and discovering animals there is and has always been a 2-edged sword. The internal dialogue goes something like this: oh, shit—cats. Well, maybe I won’t react to them. Maybe I’ll be ok. Did I bring my inhaler? Its 2 hours home… no, I’ll be ok. Maybe they don’t shed too badly. … you get the picture. Having been deathly allergic to horses and seriously allergic to anything else with fur or feathers my entire life has created this mindset, by necessity. The bitch is, I love animals. I love them. The thought of being able to bury my face in a cat or dog’s soft fur is so fantastic. The fantasy of riding a horse transfixes me, I can get lost in the visual, I have always loved them so much. The reality is the opposite.
I decided there, in Cyndi’s kitchen, that I would be all right. I squatted down on the floor as the big cat, Carl, came over to greet me. He sniffed my hand, I stroked his head, ran my hand down his back; I set my things down and immediately washed my hands. Cats always seem to make a beeline for me—never fails.
Once up on Cyndi’s table in her healing space, we talked about the allergy thing (I’ve mentioned it in a previous blog). My friend I came with, Laura, said, “It’s interesting that Marna and I connected, because I have cats, dogs and horses.” She looked at me. “Perhaps that’s why, so you can heal this.”
“I’m in,” I said. “And I want to say for the record that, if I find a cat I’m compatible with, I’m open to having one in the house.” That was quite a declaration for me to make—my statement to the Universe that I’m ready to move on from all this.
Anyway, while I may have allergies to mold, dust, pollen, etc., the animal thing is not an allergy, as mentioned in my blog Getting Cosmic I. The problem with cats, according to this psychic reading I had years ago with Elwood Babbit, was the result of a psychic scar from two lifetimes in which I ended up—an unlucky Christian—as leonine lunch. OK, so what was the problem with horses, why was I “allergic” to them, I asked?
That was a different story, as he related it to me—Another lifetime in the ancient past I was part of a tribe in what is Saudi Arabia. I was the tribal healer/shaman. I was also very involved with “that which is the Horse,” he intoned. “… very skilled on horseback,” he channeled to me, even doing trick riding for hours a day. One day, I was thrown from the horse, breaking my neck instantly, fatally. The tribe’s mourning was so great, that it created a thought form that attached itself to me. I could get rid of the problem, he told me in his trance, by meditating on it, going back in time to that event and accepting it, breaking up that thought form and creating a new reality.
This was fall of 1983, and I was tantalized by the thought I could shift this thing, this problem that kept me apart from animals and kept me from spending time with horses. As a young child I read every book about horses I could find, I had toy plastic horses that I played with every day, and most days in elementary school my friends and I were horses galloping around the playground. I’m not kidding, we did that. I was obsessed with horses.
I sat with this channeled information for a couple days, mulling it over with my Higher Self and spirit guides. Then in the beautiful late morning sunshine one day I took a small rutilated crystal ball and sat out in the sun with it, started a meditation. When I was in the right headspace, I asked my Higher Self to connect me to that time, that event, that version of me. And there I was.