A wonderful friend sent me the most beautiful piece of moldavite recently. I’ve never seen such a piece—it’s gorgeous. I first heard of moldavite 27 years ago—my then husband was remodeling the shop for New England Gem Designs, upstairs on Main Street, the Flynn block. Rob, the jeweler, showed me this beautiful unset moldavite gem, which I fell in love with. It had an exquisite color, was beautifully cut, and it ended up in a ring I designed to commemorate the successful birth of my first child (yes, I deserved a special ring after that delivery—a vaginal frank breech birth). The stone was unknown at the time—it took a few years to become celebrated as the “new age” stone many take it for.
So I here sit with this piece of moldavite. It’s a remarkable shape—flat and elongated, like a leaf, translucent, with the texture of rough tree bark. I channeled my Clearing frequency through it, and it immediately “lit up,” transmitting the Clearing beautifully, delicately… next I channeled Joy through it, and it’s a great piece for Joy. It doesn’t conduct energy as a quartz crystal does, it’s rather an entirely different effect, but I can immediately see some great applications for this stone. Aura fluffing, for example. I have a beautiful stone called a rose amethyst, on which I spray my Joy essence, and then use with a particular hand motion to “fluff” up the aura. Joy works from the outside in, lightening and brightening the aura, and with that crystal, is a very effective antidote to heavy or denser energy. This moldavite seems to be perfectly suited to that same purpose. That is one of my offerings for the mini-sessions this Saturday at the Healing Fair at the Unity Church, so I think I’ll bring the moldavite with me. I will treasure this stone forever; it will always remind me of my friend, and this time in my life of profound healing.
This morning I worked with a beautiful piece of malachite/azurite that I have. I haven’t pulled it out in a while. I’ve had it for decades; my dad gave it to me. We didn’t see eye-to-eye on much, but I have always appreciated the fact that he respected and indulged my life-long love affair with rocks. There used to be this rock shop just over the border into Quebec, on I89. (Is it still there? Haven’t been that way in a while.) He used to stop there every once in a while when crossing the border, to buy some treasures for me. This particular piece is gorgeous, a nice big hand piece. I ran Clearing energy through it, then channeled Love & Healing into it. Those are great energies for this stone. They are both fulfilling, nurturing… but you know, I could also feel my dad’s energy in there, his love for me. It felt like he’s using it as a connecting point for us, from where he resides in Spirit now. A little later I was visiting with my friend who’s very sensitive to energies, and she held the piece. I told her it had been given to me by my father. “You know, it has a very paternal, loving energy to it,” she commented after communing with it a few minutes. She could discern it right away. I love how crystals and stones can do that—they’re not just reminders or mementos of people and events, but can actually carry the energy of those people for us. I have a crystal cluster that I absolutely love. I was with a dear friend when we together birthed this cluster out of the red Arkansas clay into the light of day. “You’re a crystal midwife,” a friend of mine quipped when I told her about it later. That cluster contains not only the joy of its discovery but the love of my friend; a very important piece for me. It broadcasts that loving energy every day to brighten my days.
I still have a small piece of onyx, I think it is, that I discovered at one of the pyramidal ruins somewhere near Mexico City. I was 9 when there with my dad, and found that stone. I wondered what it had seen, where it had been, what could it reveal about these ancient ruins if it could talk? I saw that stone, picked it up, and it’s been with me ever since. A talisman of my past, a talisman of the ancient past; and the start of a rock collection that brings me much joy still, 40 years later.
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