A few days ago I had a wonderful afternoon with some dear friends. We get together periodically for what we call “energy play,” which means that I can be my normal, weird self because they’re as weird as I am. We all make energy essences, and like to get together to share our new ones. We have a nice potluck lunch, and then settle in with bottles of the latest essences du jour. We pass them around and spray them on our crown chakras, 3rd eye and heart chakras, and wherever else we get the urge. We spend a few moments taking it in, feeling the energies, feeling how they work in our chakras and aura, how they move and flow. Then we discuss it all. In order to create our labels for our new essences, we need to write a description, and this process helps us explore the qualities of our new magical potions. Later we will distill and refine them into the description on the label.
Two of my friends, a couple, make essences of sacred sites. This is fascinating for me, because my essences are made from angelic, elemental and devic energies, which I channel, and crystal energies, which I make from my own stones. They feel completely different to the sacred site essences. My other friend makes crystal essences as well. She always offers a unique perspective, perhaps partly because she is unencumbered by the distractions of physical sight.
That day I introduced my latest essence, just one. It had come about when I was doing a little healing for a friend who was having trouble sleeping. A whack on the head a few months’ previously left her with “brain noise” that really inhibited peaceful sleep. I went over to see what I could do, if anything. I started off by channeling my Clearing energy into her as she lay on her bed. But after a minute, I realized that wasn’t the right one. I said something, and she agreed, “Nope, that’s not helping.” I then channeled my Peace frequency. While better, it wasn’t the “right” one either. It was at that point I realized I should just step back for a moment. I stopped channeling, opened up to Source and asked, “Well, what does she need? Give me what she needs.” Then I just drifted away mentally, was in a very peaceful, sweet place for a minute or two.
Something shifted my attention back to present time, and I realized I was channeling something. My crown was warm, as were my palms, and a beautiful frequency was coming through. Before I could even gather my thoughts, my friend said, “Oh, I feel that. … it’s working.” I tuned into the vibration. It felt amazing. And, as I’ve said before, the English language just doesn’t have enough words for energy. It’s so hard to describe this kind of thing, limited as we are. As I stood there at the foot of her bed, I just surrendered to the energy. I focused on it, and felt it surging through me. It had a very specific action, a direction to its flow, and as it flowed from head to toe, it felt like it was acting as an anti-static filter, taking along with it the “noise” of the day, the excess scattered energy that we can easily collect into our auras and exude as we go through our day. At the same time it had a rather grounding and centering quality to it. It grew more powerful the longer I channeled. It felt specifically geared to start at the head and work its way down to the feet. I didn’t know how my friend would be feeling it, because I was standing at her feet, prevented from getting to her head by the wall the bed butted up against. I was blown away when she said, ”It’s amazing. I’m feeling it at my head, and moving down my whole body, down to my feet.” She paused, then added, “It’s calming down the static in my head.” “I feel it too,” I added. “To me it feels like a filter as it moves down from head to toe, picking up the excess energy we’ve collected during the day and removing it from my energy field.” I spoke softly, because her voice was low and she seemed to be relaxing deeply. “Hmmmhmmm,” she agreed. “It’s helping, I’m getting sleepy.” “OK, honey, I’ll just do a little more, then I’ll let myself out.” I opened up again to the flow, this time taking the time to figure out what its symbol was. Each of my energies is channeled by signing its symbol, and it sometimes takes a little while to figure out what that symbol is. But I got it right away. I would confirm it by dowsing later, but I was confident I had gotten it right. “Nighty night,” I whispered as I closed her bedroom door.
I left my friend drifting away to the land of Nod and walked home in the quiet night. I already had 15 different angelic energy essences I channel and make essences out of, I hadn’t been looking for another one. I didn’t think I needed another one! Yet, oftentimes things appear when we need them, whether we know it or not, especially if we are open to the gift. As I lay in bed myself that night, I channeled the energy for myself. I felt it collect the “static”—that “stuff” we tend to pick up as we go through our day, between the energy of people around us and the EMFs to the extreme energies coming to us from solar CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), we are bombarded every day with yucky energy “stuff” that I call static. This new frequency felt like the perfect antidote to all that. I decided to call this new essence (because I would make an essence out of it soon) Antista—from the word antistatic. This was the new essence I shared with my Energy Play group that day, and it was a big hit. It seems to me a very timely energy to have now. Most of us are overstimulated with this wonderful thing called the Internet, and all the other media filling up our senses during the day. Not to mention the intensity of the times we’re in bringing with it our buttons being pushed, issues being triggered right in our faces … signs of desconstruction are all over our reality, and this energy, Antista, feels like a useful aid to our stability, as well as a good tool for aura cleansing and maintenance. I’m excited to add it to my arsenal of spiritual tools. What gifts does the Universe offer you today? ☺
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