I woke up this morning with the birds. That's what happens when you leave your windows open at night in my neighborhood. Those birds are rockin' early. I sat up and looked at the clock and it was 4:44. Hmmm, so it's going to be that kind of day, is it? Oh, Good!I pulled up the laptop, which is running at 44% battery right now as I write, incidentally, and got back to the David Wilcock video I was watching yesterday while on the Chi Machine and doing yoga. This is a great one (as his usually are). It's his appearance at the L.A. conference of Project Camelot, the Awake & Aware conference (I think in '09). It's really good. David really doesn't repeat himself much from event to event. I've seen and heard quite a bit of him, both on videos and in person. I've never heard some of what I was listening to on this video. I love it when he gets really out there.
In this one he is talking about the ley lines in England, sacred sites all over the world and how they are built on points on the Earth energy grid. He also spoke about how our reality consists of SpaceTime and TimeSpace, and how we bounce back and forth constantly between them, the former being 3D Space, 1D Time, and the latter being 3D Time, 1D Space. It's great stuff! Then he gets into the stones themselves, the standing stones and the henges that you find in the UK along the ley lines. "The hyperdimensional energy is what makes the matter that is building the stones," he said. "The matter that makes these stones, the stone itself, the actual hard stuff, is built from hyperdimensional energy; energy from the Timefield is flowing into our SpaceTime. That's what, according to Dr. Dewey Larson, all matter is built from is this hyperdimensional exchange between 3 dimensional time, and three dimensional space. That's all it is. So of course you're going to get time anomalies. But it's also the energy that builds you, it builds your DNA, it builds your bodies, so when you get more of it flowing through you, you're going to get more health and vitality. Because it's the energy of your consciousness, because it IS consciousness."
I love a new explanation for something I have known in my bones for a long time, but trying to spell it out can be challenging. DW has a great way with words. Gregg Braden said in a video I saw yesterday that when we are happy and joyful and full of good energy, our hearts are beaming hugely--the energy extends for kilometers, he said. Just as David said in the quote above, if we get enough of the Life Source energy flowing through us, we are just better--stronger, smarter, healthier, happier. Abraham calls it connected to the Stream. I call it raising our frequency, aligning with our Higher Self. The point is, when we are vibrating that powerfully, we can move mountains. When we are that attuned to the energy that creates worlds, the Sourcefield (DW again), there are literally no limits. He talked also about time travel; how when you learn to go into Timespace, you can move either forward or backward. Depending on how you move, when you pop back into SpaceTime you can be either in the past or the future, if you like--if you jump in behind where you were when you left, you're in the past. If you come back ahead of where you were when you left, you're in the future. We just need to learn how to manipulate it consciously. Who's with me? Let's start practicing.The bottom line is, we are living life in the fast lane right now, and I mean the cosmic, universal, it's-all-a-crap-shoot fast lane. We can hold our own, energetically, but we need to know how. There are voices of wisdom and knowledge out there who can show you the way ... find one who works for you, who makes sense to you, whose words resonate as truth in your heart... We aren't alone, though sometimes it may feel as if we are. Seek out those kindred spirits who can be your companion on the Path. I have many in my life, I'm blessed that way. Five of them came over yesterday, and we got ourselves in a really blissful and beautiful state with my energy essences, then we put pyramids on our heads and sent out amazing energy to heal the planet, with big crystals and wands in our hands, for good measure. Wow. The energy was astonishing under those pyramids.
If our heart energy extends for kilometers when we're feeling good, as Gregg Braden says, then how far does it go when amplified by large crystals and pyramids? I wonder what it looks like, energetically ... Does a spirit guide look down at the house and see all kinds of light and color streaming out of it for miles? Does it change when we switch the pyramid on our head from a pink one to a blue one? hmm ... interesting questions. I'm sure if you peeked in the window, we looked like a bunch of wingnuts, but we felt GREAT! I know we put out a lot of healing for Earth; for Japan, for the Mississippi flood victims, for the Gulf of Mexico, and all trouble spots on our planet. It felt good. We're going to do a lot more of it. So if you're taking a walk one day, and a wave of bliss washes over you, it just might be that blast of crystal energy coming from my group of friends, sitting here in Vermont with pyramids on our heads. Offered to you, with our love. Enjoy!
I don't do depressed well. I'm just not familiar with it, it's not a state I spend much time in. I've always found too much to be joyful about, despite what has often seemed like 3 lifetimes' worth of lessons cleverly disguised as travails packed into one. I'm too much of an appreciator of life to get bogged down in sadness, usually. I appreciate beauty, I appreciate kindness and goodness, I really appreciate love. And I find these things everywhere I look, which is a good thing.Rose-colored glasses. My wasbands have used mine to condemn me and criticize me, telling me to see things how they really are. In a way, they're right. I mean, I generally subscribe to Abraham's viewpoint, which is, Yes, wear the Rose-colored glasses. You have to visualize and align with how you want things to be, rather than how they are now, if you want them to change. So, that's what I do. I think I do have a pretty good perception of what is, but I definitely focus on the good, the bright, the light. And this can cause me pain.
I keep forgetting that--because I have an excellent Forgetter, especially of things unpleasant. Like certain people in my life who continue to be a source of pain. I get hurt, I back away, I try to maintain a distance, for my own salvation. But then the natural caring, the concern, the kindness that is who I am forces its way to the surface, not to be kept down and suppressed. In this way I warm up to them again, soften my heart, let them in. Only, a couple of years later, to find I should have been watching my back. Uh, would you mind pulling that knife out, please, the one between my shoulder blades? I can't quite reach it...My best friend said to me, "You keep expecting them to change. They can't. They can't change, and they won't." I know, I know ... damn that Forgetter! Wow. So, as soon as I get over the shock of this one, because it is a doozy, I'll try putting that Forgetter in storage for awhile, see how long I can go without it. Because some things need remembering. Such as: There's enough pain in the world without painting a target on yourself. Remember to keep your heart open only to those who treat it well. Note to Self: Remember that.
We'll see how good my Rememberer is ...
The other day I was called outside by the nature spirits--I had to go out to play. I climbed a hill by Shelburne Bay, and it was amazing to be out there. I felt so exhilarated, so supported and nurtured by Nature, it was a beautiful healing experience.I love this time of year because it's Trillium Time. The trillium bloom is gorgeous, amazing. You can just feel the fairy energy all around you, walking among the trilliums. On the path I came to a spot on the wooded hillside where the beautiful white tri-petalled trilliums surrounded me. Their energy was so sweet and pure and happy! Their message to me was pure joy that day. I wanted to receive it, and receive it deeply.
I've talked on this blog about receiving before, how it's not as simple as it may seem when the bothersome human mind with all its issues gets in the way. Really receiving takes surrender--complete and utter surrender. Who does that? As folks who've studied with me know, the strength of the Goddess is in her surrender. Women are the Yin half of the equation. Just look at the word--it has "in" in it! The Yin is the receptive, the passive, the left side of our bodies. The strength of the Goddess is in her surrender.... Her ability to completely surrender and receive. The trick is to be discriminate in our surrender--be selective to those energies you surrender to. Keep a fine filter up there, so you can receive only the high vibrations of your choosing and keep away the other.So there I was, sitting on a log on that hillside, with the winking trillium fairies all around me. I was carrying crystals in my hands as I hiked, of course. First I used them to channel my energy offering to the Spirit of the Place. I channeled Love and Healing, and then the energy of my custom "Marna" battery. I did it with conscious intent, asking for conscious feedback. Right away I felt the response from the trillium fairies, "Ooh, this is a fun human, this one knows how to play!"
One of the crystals I held was a double-terminated crystal (it has a natural point on both ends, whereas most quartz crystals grow out from the matrix and terminate at only one end.). Double-Terminated crystals are more powerful in the way they transmit energy, being a whole circuit unto themselves, one end being male and the other end female. I made sure the female end of the crystal was pointed out, and the male end of the crystal was pointed up my arm. This enabled me to use the crystal to receive the energies of the trillium more powerfully. (The female end of the crystal draws in, the male end emits.) I set my filter of intent to bring in the trillium energy. It was incredible! It felt light, bright, sparkly, twinkly, somehow other-worldly.
As someone who channels a lot of energy every day, my ability to send is very strong, because I'm always channeling it out, sending it with my sending hand, the right one. My left one (the natural receiver) is much weaker when it comes to sending, which is to be expected. However, my left hand should be as good at receiving as my right one is at sending, and that's not the case. Learning how to receive was such a big lesson for me last fall and winter with my illness, but as I've said, knowing that intellectually and even in my heart is not the same as actually being a good receiver on the energetic level. So I sat there with my crystal and opened up, really went into magnetic mode, just kept surrendering more and more to the influx of trillium joy and light. It wasn't as easy as it should have been. I had to keep consciously letting go more and more, relaxing into that mode. It worked, I was able to do it. The trillium fairies kept feeding it to me, more strongly. At first I just kept feeding it into my heart chakra, but after a bit, I sent it down my right arm with the out breath and into the crystal in that hand, sending it back out to them, with my love and gratitude added. Again, I felt the energetic response of that place, its Spirit. It was so happy to have my energy play with. It felt so good, I felt such peace, yet so energized, in this easy communion with the flower fairy realm.
Eventually I got up and kept hiking up the trail. At the top, there was another smorgasbord of trillium, all over the place. And they recognized me! When I reached them, they were already energetically greeting me, waiting for me. The Group Trillium Mind had alerted them to my passage, and they were waiting with open arms, faces, petals and leaves. So if you haven't gotten out to commune with the trillium yet, do so. There's only a few days left of their short season. Look them in their beautiful faces, give thanks for their joy and giving spirit, and revel in their being. Then tell them that Marna sent you. Tell them I said Hi. :-)
Mother's Day morning.
Been awake for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet. Enjoying thinking about being a mom; thinking about my own mother, radiant angel she is now.
And glad to take the time to write this morning.
There's been a lot going on! And I'm thankfully creating opportunities for magic. That just feels more and more important than ever. We're having fun with it, too. That said, I just heard a friend say yesterday that the "Little Grandmother" Keisha Crowther has said recently that everyone needs to carry a quartz crystal now, she stressed that it was urgent.
I carry at least one, usually a few crystals on me at all times, have for years. It's nice to hear others promoting my favorite healthy habit. Speaking of crystals, Wednesday evenings I lead a Cosmic Playdate/Crystal Healing Meditation, and we've recently been working with the theme of the new influx of radiation being injected into our world from the Fukushima plant in Japan. On the face of it, there's not much we, the masses, can do about something like that ... There is one way, though, we can help, and that's with our intent, fueled by our own energy. So a couple of weeks ago, that's what we did. We prayed Dr. Emoto's prayer for the waters of the Fukushima plant, and for the waters of Japan.
We held crystal balls as proxies for Earth, and sprayed essences of Clearing on them, Joy, Love and Peace, visualizing each time that beautiful frequency bathing Earth in its radiance, for the benefit of Earth
and everything that calls her Home.
It was a beautiful, energizing and peaceful exercise, and we all felt marvelous afterwards. Being filled up with these high frequencies makes it easy and fun to then energize our own life, our loved ones, our home and family. Every act, every word and deed becomes a sweet and sacred prayer, when performed in this state of Grace.
Come play with us some Wednesday evening if you're local, and want to share my path of crystal light; we gain so much, and give even more. What could be better than that?
At the last Cosmic Playdate, we continued with the radiation theme. With crystals to amplify the focus and transmission of the energy, we again did a brief healing of Earth, and then we focused on another aspect of the issue. I figured that with all of the Deva spirits in our world, there are obviously ruling Devas of this particular frequency or type of radiation that is leaking out in Japan. So we addressed that entity in our meditation, asking it to modify the nature of the radiation so as to render it harmless to human and all other life on Earth. We made our own energy offerings, through essences, of Love and Peace and Joy, then made our prayers for balance of our world and environment with this radiation leak. We felt big forces at play here, we felt we'd been heard.
But the best idea I had was the new reality we chose via my Subconscious Reset technique. I'll leave you with it to ponder. I came up with it when I realized that other than with our intent, our energy, we can't do anything about a nuclear meltdown. EXCEPT, evolve. Evolve! So here's the ultimate human challenge. Can we evolve our bodies, right now? David Wilcock told us in his presentations that we are evolving quite quickly these days, historically speaking. Specifically, he said we humans are now as different, in terms of our DNA, from the ancient Egyptians as they were from the Neanderthals. That blew my mind when he said that. We haven't stopped changing, and it feels to me, in fact, that change is accelerating. These are the ascension times, are they not?
So here's the reality we got into alignment with that night:
"I choose now to be a conscious participant with all of my cells of all of my bodies and my DNA, in my rapid evolution to accommodate our changing universe, and all its influences."
Like it? If so, use it. Pass it on. Let's just choose, right now, to evolve enough to use this kind of radiation as a vitamin. Vitamin R. You with us? Mass conscious evolution ... now's the time.