Uh oh … please don’t tell me that’s a sore throat starting. And, snotty nose? No! Please. I have a big event I have to be ready for in four days. I need to be on top of my game! My serious health situation last fall caused me to miss out on 3 good shows, at which I did not sell any product and did no aura/dowsing demonstrations. I had to cancel my weekly crystal/healing meditations for the same reason—basically, my life ended as I knew it. Last week I was invited to participate in the Healing Fair at the Unity Church in Essex Jct. this Saturday, the 5th. I jumped at the chance, and I’ve been getting my brain working on the literature I need to produce, and which products to get ready. I had hoped to be further along than this by today, but for some reason my energy levels the last week have crashed. Lethargy took over, motivation flew out the window. Interestingly, a few other friends last week told me they were feeling the same way, and yesterday a colleague who’s very cosmic echoed that sentiment. In my meditations the last week or so, I’ve been noticing some weird things about reality … that it isn’t what it should be. Or rather, what we’re used to. Well, now that I say that, I have to laugh, because it’s been shifting a lot, the last couple years especially. But things have really been more nebulous lately. I swear, something will happen in my life that I take note of, and it can be something really mundane; and then a day or a week later something happens that completely negates the reality of that first incident—even though I have “evidence” of it. Weird, crazy stuff. I remember hearing on Art Bell's radio show years ago, two scientists speaking about how the speed of light wasn’t what it used to be. Well, that caused me to prick up my ears. They said “It’s faster now.” That knocked me out. Actually, I felt gratified, because I had been feeling in my bones, for years, that things were speeding up.
Then, a couple months later, I heard another guest on the show talking about how thought is light. They worked for one of the alphabet agencies and were describing to Art a new device that they were using for their covert operatives abroad. These agents can’t have anything on them that would identify them as American spies. So someone came up with this new device through which they could file their reports—telepathically. This device held in it a piece of that operative’s DNA, and it receives their mental messages through the link of the DNA. Well, that was interesting, to say the least. But when I put two & two together, and realized that a) the speed of light is faster now and b) thought travels as/is light—well, we’re all thinking faster then. Which correlates with information from the Maya, Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks), and various other channels, that our manifesting is happening faster now. If we get into energetic alignment with something we want to create, it will happen much faster now. There are other changes in our neck of the galaxy as well. David Wilcock (www.divinecosmos.com) has said in many of his talks/interviews that human DNA is changing at an astonishing rate. He said that we are as different from the ancient Egyptians as they were from the Neanderthals! That was a mind-bender. And that many species are changing on our planet. Then there are all the natural disasters going on, as well as weird stuff like gigantic sinkholes opening up in the earth and a vortex in the Gulf of Aden (Middle East). If we go off-planet, change is rampant; the other planets in our solar system are warming up as well—it’s not global warming, folks, it’s solar-system wide. Ice caps have melted on Mars. Many of the planets are experiencing changes, getting brighter, getting warmer … all kinds of things going on. I find this all fascinating, yet not surprising. I knew from day one that this lifetime was a culmination. This Planet-Earth-in-the-21st-Century show was a not-to-be-missed. Here we are in the thick of it, and for some of us it’s not happening fast enough, for others who like the status quo, their alarm bells are ringing—a little too loudly for comfort. I’m very glad to Be Here Now, even though I do find all the shifting a bit unsettling. However, it does provide a great opportunity to practice what I preach, to walk my talk and turn the travails and obstacles into wonderful opportunities for growth, healing and expansion, leadership and way-showing and non-judgment. Not that I'm always successful--hardly. But intention counts for something, right? See you on the path. Aho.
After a little dozing in the sun, I open my eyes to notice that Jaguar was gone. Some movement on the rocks catches my eye, and there was this huge snake, the Anaconda. This one was an albino—just like the one I saw years ago in an animal park in Miami. He was actually very slightly pale yellow, huge, with red eyes. Snakes have never been one of my favorite things, but ever since James Riverstone did that incredible healing on me in November and told me that Snake Medicine was with me, that I would do well to work with it, I’ve been keeping an open mind.
So here comes this huge serpent, right to me. I am in such a state of bliss, there’s no adverse reaction. And indeed, this snake doesn’t shy away from me, either. In fact, quite the opposite. It is bizarre—this animal communing with me so beautifully, without hesitation. It slides along my body, ingratiating itself into my space. It actually gives me a chiropractic adjustment, twining around me, using its body to pull my limbs in different directions so as to achieve a certain adjustment in the spine. I just relax into it, astonished—I go into rag doll mode and let the serpent have its way with me. I feel perfectly safe, while still in awe of its power and energy—seeing as it could have me for lunch if it wanted to.
It moves with perfect grace and purpose, twisting me first this way, then another, stretching me out, then folding me up again. I lay there in the delightful sun, while Serpent Medicine works its magic on me. Finally it stops, in the perfect position where it supports my legs in the right spot, my neck. It looks me in the eye, and with a flick of its tongue, we both go to sleep, there on that boulder on the lagoon’s edge.
A little while later I awaken, alone. The sun has moved only a little, seemingly not enough for the time I’ve been hanging out on that rock. I stretch, smiling at the memory of my experiences, get up, and dive back into the lagoon. After the warm sunbath, the coolness of the water feels luscious, stimulating, energizing me. I swim back to the beach.
I’m sitting there, drying off in the sun, when I get a taste of Horse Medicine. It walks out of the jungle to me, an off-white horse with a black mane & tail. I watch as it approaches me, feeling totally open to the experience even though in the 3rd dimension my allergy to cats is only exceeded by that to horses.
I stand up and greet it, and again I receive this wordless download from That Which is The Horse. It was Horse saying, “I see you, Marna,” and “Here I Am,” sharing with me its pure Essence. This knowingness pervaded me, and I felt profoundly touched by this gorgeous animal. It nuzzled me in the shoulder, blew through its nose into my ear, tossed its head.
Then Horse trotted off into the jungle. I walked through the water’s edge for a few moments, mulling over these animal connections, feeling that it’s probably time to work with these archetypes in my normal, waking life.
And that was when James Riverstone’s voice spoke, got our attention, brought us back to that reality. The rest of the ceremony unfolded exquisitely, as we built the Despacho bundle out of our prayers, created out of leaves and flowers, and other lovely offerings to Pachamama. It felt like a wonderful way to get together as community, focus our energy, create magic together for the benefit of all. It was a lovely ceremony, a beautiful gift to each of us there, as well as our Earth Mother. I am so grateful for James for bringing this ceremony to us.
Yes, that was a really cosmic night. From my perspective, Getting Cosmic is important for me because I make such great, life-affirming connections: Connect to my Self, my Center—or my Past, if I want, or Future; to my Higher Self; to others, through community events, gathering with friends, or in my own classes, meditations and workshops. Where do you make your connections? What activities make you feel whole & centered and fulfilled inside? When do you feel your best?
Good questions to ask, and answer, as we proceed with Life on the journey to 2012.
Getting CosmicPart IBesides writing daily, I had another New Year’s Resolution: to Get Cosmic at least once daily. Indulging in Marna Magic is another way I think of it—it includes meditating with crystals, meditating with my energy batteries, using energy essences on my chakras in meditation for the purposes of clearing, healing, enhancing and otherwise expanding them for optimal function; journeying also comes under this category.I know myself well enough now that I know I function much better when I make time for this sort of activity. I maintain connection with my Higher Self better (source of one’s Higher wisdom and power); I stay centered more easily, less vulnerable to the Winds of Change and Cosmic Tides, as others are buffeted about. I’ve been doing fairly well at scheduling cosmic time into my planner.A wonderful opportunity for this came last Saturday evening, in a Ceremony of Light held in Shelburne by James Riverstone, a shaman in the Inka tradition. I had participated in this before, and really enjoyed it. I was heretofore ignorant of this branch of shamanism, and the experience was very fulfilling.As a part of this four-hour ceremony, he guided us on a journey to a sacred jungle lagoon. In my mind’s eye the lagoon was a clear aqua color, vibrant as a jewel in the midst of the green jungle. I dove into the water, reveled in its qualities of flowing, cool smoothness, carrying a calming peace in its flow. After a time, as James’ guided us, I lay down to soak in the sun on a boulder, allowing the rays to warm me from above, while the heat from the sun-soaked rock baked me from below. He also suggested that we may have contact with some of our animal teachers.Sure enough, a jaguar emerged from the darkness of the jungle across the lagoon, and then was suddenly on the rock next to me. As part of the journey, I wasn’t surprised. It looked at me with huge golden eyes, for several moments. It bore right through to my soul, and I knew in an instant that it knew All of me. It has known me, and I it—Jaguar Medicine, incarnate. It was a gorgeous creature, regal and majestic, undeniable in its essence. It pulled its gaze away to bend its head down, and casually lick my ankle with its long, rough warm tongue, twice. It lay down, stretched long and languid in the sun, then stretched out to relax and soak up the rays with me.It was a hugely profound moment for me, feeling this complete ease and comfort with this creature. My lifelong allergy to cats has basically threatened my life and well-being on many occasions, so my mental and emotional relationship with them has been tricky. I once asked in a past life reading (the same one mentioned in a previous blog) about this allergy to cats, because I love animals, and was told “there is no such thing as allergies.” I was told that my problematic physical response to “…that which is the Cat…” is the result of thought forms I’ve carried with me for ages, created from not one but two lifetimes being fed to the lions as a Christian! (Good Lord, I really needed to do that twice? Really?)So here I am on this rock with this beautiful animal, and I’m feeling such a bond, a connection with it. There is such power in its being, such strength. A jaguar does not have self-esteem issues. It never dims its light, sabotages itself or becomes a doormat because of childhood trauma. A Jaguar just Is. It is power, it is beauty, it is strength and speed, and as I connect with this being, it imbues me with all of it. At the same time, I know it is acknowledging me as its equal. We kind of morph together energetically and it is a wondrous experience for me. Owning that strength as mine, claiming that power—I can feel my energy body expanding a hundred-fold. Jaguar Medicine is good medicine.Part II of Getting Cosmic will post later today or tomorrow
As I come into alignment with my deepest Truth, my Highest Path, Power and Purpose, I will be sharing periodically stories of my cosmic exploits in the world of Marna magic; the healing work I do, the spiritual consulting ... Spirit is telling me it's time to share my Self with the world at large. ... who am I to argue?With the recent suicide of the teen Mount Mansfield Union High School this week, that theme has guided many conversations I've had. Horribly sad, devastating for anyone who knew him, suicide is, contrary to the song, never painless, IMHO. The trainwrecked lives left behind are testament to that.I have had the opportunity to directly assist someone who had recently taken his own life, and it was a fascinating experience. I believe it was beneficial for the deceased, and therefore will share it now with you.One day I got a phone call from my friend Marlena, describing a sad and rather distressing situation. Her daughter's former boyfriend, she learned, had just killed himself. They hadn't been together for a couple years, out of their teens now, yet Marlena had always liked Douglas and felt his suicide keenly. The next morning in her daily meditation, she put out a message to him psychically, telling him that he could come to her; if he was lost and needed someone or something he could come to her and she would help him.That very afternoon, Marlena's elderly mother heard, from her basement suite in the house, footsteps going up the stairs. Thinking Steve, Marlena's husband, had come home from work early, she made it up the stairs herself to make sure. There was no one else in the home. The sound of footsteps persisted, even after everyone else came home later. They heard them in the hallway at night, stopping outside their bedroom doors. They heard them up and down the stairs.This went on for a couple of days, when Marlena's daughter who had dated Douglas felt a hand rest on her shoulder as she sat on the couch. Suddenly, she was done, couldn't take it anymore. "Mom, that's it," she cried. "Call Marna."As Marlena is telling me all this, I'm getting a clear picture of what I'm supposed to do--it's running through my mind like a video.Three days later finds me at their house, with all sorts of accoutrements. We bring everything into the house, and I set up at the end of their long dining room table. Marlena and her husband sit facing each other across the table, where we arrange our tableau. First is Big Smoke. Big Smoke is an amazing quartz crystal ball, pale smoky in color, that compares in size to a bowling ball. I've had it and worked with it for years, and is often a partner in some wonderful ceremonies and spiritual events.Marlena has a stand for it, of brass in the shape of dolphins, and we place the sphere upon it. In front of me I arrange my blue bottles of angelic energy essences.* When all is ready, the three of us place our hands onto the sphere. "Concentrate on Douglas," I instruct the other two. "Douglas, please occupy the sphere," I say aloud. "Please take possession of the sphere."
Right away, simultaneously, we all feel it. A sudden thrum, a heartbeat, in the sphere. We can feel it pulsating under our hands, and we look at each other wide-eyed, jaws dropped. Looking back, I guess we should have expected it, but we didn't, and we were all blown away. It kept going; a very strong pulse right there, in that crystal ball, right under our hands. beat, beat, beatWhen I recovered myself, I picked up the bottle of Clearing Essence, and sprayed it liberally on the sphere. The three of us rubbed the liquid all over the ball. "Douglas," I addressed our spirit friend, "this is Clearing energy we are applying to this sphere. Please draw it in, just absorb this Clearing energy, Douglas, and take it in. Allow it to wash through you, like a psychic rain, anything that isn't you, or yours. Allow it to wash away any residue of your transition out of the physical, allow it to cleanse you of pain, grief, shame, guilt ... just let it all go, as you absorb this beautiful Clearing energy, and surrender to it."
As I spoke, we could feel the pulse under our fingers, and we could all feel the shift as he did as I asked... the energy changed after he worked through the Clearing energy--it was totally amazing.
I next picked up the bottle of Joy Angelic Energy Essence, and sprayed it on the sphere. We rubbed it all over with our hands, and I said, "Douglas, take in this Joy energy. Allow it to Lighten and Brighten you, to raise your frequency. Surrender to the energy of Joy, Douglas, let go and allow it to flow through you." We took a few minutes with each essence, allowing him time ...
Once again, we noticed the shift in the frequency as Douglas complied with my instruction. We smiled at each other, encouraged with what was unfolding before us. Next I reached for my Peace essence. "Douglas, please surrender to this Peace energy and allow it to permeate your being. Take it in, and feel how it brings calm, peace and contentment to you. Feel yourself relaxing, Douglas, under the influence of this beautiful, peaceful frequency." Again, we felt the shifting frequencies under our fingers as Douglas did so. "Can you believe this?" Marlena whispered ... Smiling, I shook my head. I'd never experienced anything like this. But clearly, it was working. We all felt it.
Next was Love. A bottle of Love??? Right here, you got it--I sprayed it on the sphere. "Douglas, this energy is the frequency of Divine, Unconditional Love. Please relax and allow it to permeate your being." I spoke slowly, softly, with purpose. "As you absorb this energy, Douglas, know that you are Loved, Unconditionally, that you are a perfect facet of Creation just as we all are. You are Enough, and we love you, Douglas, and we ask you to take in this Love energy and Love yourself as much as you are Loved ... " As I spoke, we could literally feel Douglas embody this Love vibration and surrender to it--we could feel the change in the continuing thrum beneath our hands--the heartbeat of the sphere.
We worked our way through a few more energy essences this way--Divine Grace, Healing, Body & Soul (soul retrieval in a bottle!) ... and lastly, Protection.
With the heartbeat still pounding in our palms, I sprayed Protection over the sphere, and with love and compassion, we rubbed it all over the enormous crystalline orb. "Douglas, now, at last, we endow you with Protection. Please absorb this energy of Protection, allow it to permeate your being. Feel it wrap around you in a bubble of Light that keeps you safe..." We watched as the frequency beneath our fingers again shifted with the new influx of energy.
"Douglas, now that you are safe and protected, you can look around you. There you see your loved ones, who are here to guide you to your next destination." I took a deep breath. It was time to let him go. Had I done it right? Was he complete? Only one way to find out. "Douglas, know you are loved, and that your loved ones are watching out for you. And now, Douglas, you are free to let go of this connection, and move on with your guides. We love you."
The three of us watched, waited, as there was one, two more pounding heartbeats, and then, all was quiet. We waited, hands still on the sphere, but it was true--Douglas was gone from the crystal ball.
We took our hands away, sat quietly, holding the space for a few moments. I let out a deep breath. This was an experience like none other I'd had. The profundity of it was sinking in slowly, blowing my mind...
Marlena looked at me. "I think we did it!" she said, a big smile on her face. "I think you're right, it sure seems that way," I answered.
And the proof was in the pudding--or rather, in the complete lack of "ghostly" noises in the house thereafter. No more footsteps in the hallway or up the stairs. No more contact for the daughter. Peace returned to my friends' home, and I can only assume, some measure of peace returned to Douglas.
* I have been channeling 16 different angelic frequencies for years, and figured out how to put them into bottles. I have in total 3 lines of energy essences: Angelic, Elemental & Devic.
I was once told in a psychic reading a hundred years ago that if I tuned into flowers, and breathed in their fragrance, I could understand them and speak to them.
OK, so it was 1983 … Elwood Babbitt was channeling, and at the time, I didn’t really understand what he meant. I’ve always loved flowers and plants, always had houseplants, and in the last dozen years have come to an awareness of that which he speaks.
I remember the first time that I was walking in the woods and found this beautiful, big tree. I stopped and hugged it, and channeled some Love energy into it, for at least a minute or so, sharing my gratitude with it. Then, I stopped channeling, but stayed there, and was blown away when the tree energetically, hugged me back. It just sent this wave of energy to me, and I knew it was both saying Thank you, and sharing itself with me, on the energy level.
So I’ve been communicating with my houseplants in that way for years now. I have a lot of them—in the picture of my dining room I posted in my “summer” blog, that is one of my two Tart Dates taking up all that space in the window—meet Natasha. And here are Murgatroyd and Alexander. I did not name them. I did a meditation on one on the plants, and it occurred to me to ask its name. It came to me, very clearly. So I went around to all of the bigger plants and did the same thing. Alexander is the big tall one, a fig. Like his pendant? Murgatroyd is the other one—I actually don’t even know what that type is. They both love me so much!
I had read “The Secret Life of Plants” years ago, and recently read “The Secret Life of Your Cells.” Both fascinating, I recommend them. It’s an eye-opener if this is new to you.Last November, when I got home from having blood transfusions in the hospital (due to severe hemorrhaging), I was in rough shape. I was so weak, lifting my head off the pillow was a formidable task. For someone who is used to running and channeling a lot of energy, it was a huge adjustment. That first day, I lay on the couch, facing Murgatroyd and Alexander at the opposite end. I gazed at them. I was feeling, tuning in, to my physical body, and realized again how there was nothing left. All my life force had drained out of me. I processed this, and the question arose for me, “Where will I get my energy now?” It felt like I had received this blood, which was saving my physical body, but what about the energy to keep it going? And no sooner had I asked that question, but both of these beautiful plants beamed their energy at me. They just bathed me in this tidal wave of love and healing, and I recognized and saw it immediately. It was so profound … I just surrendered to it, received it, smiled and said Thank you. I was graced by their green plant love, and it was so beautiful.It made me aware, much more deeply, how our environment can support us if given the chance. Earlier today, I was channeling energies through crystals, and I sent it to these two green friends. When I stopped, I sat and watched, and right away they beamed me back, sending a wave of love and connection. We are all one. There’s only One of us here. We—everything—It is all connected. So go ahead, tune in. Smile at your plants. Love them. Can you feel them smiling back at you? ;-)
Watching the fire burn … it started right up from the embers this morning.
I tossed in a handful of the willow twigs raked up in the fall as the wind blew them down, a scrap of paper or two, some sticks on top—part of the tree that died next door. It started right up, but seems to have lost a little spark, starting to slow down.
I flip the log, add a little more kindling and a couple sticks on top, and off it goes again. Kind of like the day. I wake up a little slow, but once I start moving, the energy builds and the momentum carries me through breakfast for 3, packing school lunches, dishwasher loading and a quick check of email. Now, kids are gone, one load of laundry folded, I’m watching the fire to make sure it’s not going to crap out on me. So as I sit here at 8:30 a.m., it’s still, peaceful.
It’s nice to take a couple of minutes and enjoy the quiet in the house. Relative quiet, I should clarify. The dishwasher chunks away in the kitchen (it’s about a decade younger than I am), the fireplace fan is assertively blowing the warm dry heat on me, the chair squeaks as I shift on it.
The snow is blowing horizontally outside my window, and I am content to sit inside and watch it. Thinking, though, that it’s just about time for a cup of tea, or coffee. Because after a few minutes of quiet, peace, I feel it’s time to get up again. I can hear that other load of laundry waiting to be folded, the fresh stock in the frig waiting to be turned into soup, the deck waiting to be shoveled, scripts finished, the outline for my convention presentation this summer needing to be emailed—today… when I write it. The day has cycles, as does the year, the life. I am appreciating this still part of my day’s cycle, watching the fire chew up the wood, turning it into light, and heat, and comfort. Wishing you light, and heat and comfort in your day, too.
I love sunlight ...
I love my south-facing windows ...I love my colorsI love my artwork
I love my oh-so-teeny dining roomwhere I feel like I'm in a verdant, lush garden in January
I was contemplating the recent astrology news that hit the airwaves last week with the announcement of a new sign, “Orphiuchus” and was contemplating its meaning. It would shift me out of the Scorpio Sun Sign into Libra; having studied astrology for a number of years and allowing it to roost in my belief system, I had cause to give it reflection (even as we know it’s not the case, this was known about for ages ...).I’ve always identified with Scorpio (http://www.astrology-online.com/scorpio.htm), for many reasons. Some friends have said, “I can see you as a Libra,” but that’s because the world doesn’t see what’s hidden beneath ... Scorpios, or at least this one, have an inner world as big as, if not bigger than, their external one. Navigating my inner landscape is not to be undertaken lightly; though I journey there frequently, it’s uncharted waters. I’ve sailed a lot of storms inside, as well as peaceful seas. I’ve always been drawn to mysteries—I revel in crime novels and movies, and that’s the Pluto aspect of Scorpio calling—the underworld is full of mysteries and dark lure. I’ve thought I’d make a good detective, because I also have the big picture sense of the Eagle side of Scorpio, along with that innate understanding of the darker elements of human existence. I’ve also always had an intense awareness that this lifetime, I committed to the Light, and am dedicated totally to raising the frequency of myself, the Planet, and my clients, so as to align with this 2012 ascension process. But this has been always in the front of my awareness—I know I have made the wrong choices in past lives, and paid dearly for attaining power for power’s sake. Not this time ....I picked up a new book yesterday at a great (cheap!) sale, a writer I’ve never heard of: First Daughter, by Eric Van Lustbader. I was just drawn to it. It became apparent why on page 37, where the protagonist muses about the life he’s chosen as an agent:We’re a breed apart, Jack thought. We inhabit the world just like everyone else, but we walk through it as shadows. We have to in order to find the places where the vermin live, worm ourselves in to lure them out, or to chop them into tiny pieces. And after a while, even if we’re extremely vigilant, we become so used to being shadows that we don’t feel comfortable anywhere else but the darkness. That’s when, like it or not, in order to save ourselves, in order to preserve our way of living, we sever our ties with normalcy, because it becomes more and more difficult to make that transition back from the shadows into the light, until it becomes impossible altogether. And then here we find ourselves, deep in the places where only shadows exist.I can so relate to this passage, it’s very Scorpio-ish. And it really illuminated for me the face that it’s a conscious choice we make, Light or Dark. Yes, there’s lots of gray ... But we all know those times when we’re faced with a decision, and we know in our bones that one choice is the truth-affirming one, and the other, not, though it may be easier, initially safer, etc.I was at a recent event that was so heartwarming, so uplifting, with lots of energy-expanding activities, where people were basking in love and good energy and the vibration was off the charts. Everyone had a great time, except for one friend. This person has had his heart behind a wall for some time, avoiding the pain of the trajectory his life has been on for the last several years. It broke my heart to see him close down, the melancholy taking him over, rather than open up and be a part of what was there, right in front of him. It was so clear it was a choice he was making—the darkness of his pain, because it was “comfortable,” rather than the release of the Love and the Light—the unknown.I’m not trying to rescue this friend anymore—I recognize that his choice is not mine to mess with. I can only choose for myself. I choose to Shine my Light, as Marianne Williamson so beautifully urges us*, serve It as well, for in so doing, I align with Highest Path, Power & Purpose. That’s a good choice.*The Healing Light Institute of Spirituality “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Marianne Williamson
I've just accepted a new job. It's a very important one--my calling, my vocation, my job. I've just hired myself to be Me.
I've recently taken a good look at my Self, and realized that I wasn't working up to snuff. So I fired me. Just wasn't taking the job seriously enough.
I mean, really ... who do I want for this job of being ME, living my life? It's a really important job, I have many important things to accomplish, and I just wasn't working out, wasn't making the grade. So I handed out the pink slip. I didn't like getting it. Not nice, being fired. But I accepted it, because it was for the best.
And now, I've made a commitment to this Job. I'm going to take it seriously, take the work I've assigned myself this lifetime, seriously. I've got a family who needs me, a community that relies on me, a country that needs healing, a planet crying out for balance and equilibrium. I have the tools and the energy and the knowledge to make a difference, to matter. Time to utilize all the tools and strengths at hand to make an even greater difference, now. After all, it's the Now Year (to quote Jason Mraz).
Yes, I have been doing it ... but it's time to step up to a higher level of commitment, and action. Time to really get tuned in, tapped in, turned on, as Abraham says. I'm qualified, and now, re-motivated and revitalized for the Job at hand.
In the home, in the field, in the office, it's all my Job. And I am NOW, the best possible person for this job of being Me. Let me know if you catch me snoozing on the Job, will you?