As I come into alignment with my deepest Truth, my Highest Path, Power and Purpose, I will be sharing periodically stories of my cosmic exploits in the world of Marna magic; the healing work I do, the spiritual consulting ... Spirit is telling me it's time to share my Self with the world at large. ... who am I to argue?
With the recent suicide of the teen Mount Mansfield Union High School this week, that theme has guided many conversations I've had. Horribly sad, devastating for anyone who knew him, suicide is, contrary to the song, never painless, IMHO. The trainwrecked lives left behind are testament to that.
I have had the opportunity to directly assist someone who had recently taken his own life, and it was a fascinating experience. I believe it was beneficial for the deceased, and therefore will share it now with you.
One day I got a phone call from my friend Marlena, describing a sad and rather distressing situation. Her daughter's former boyfriend, she learned, had just killed himself. They hadn't been together for a couple years, out of their teens now, yet Marlena had always liked Douglas and felt his suicide keenly. The next morning in her daily meditation, she put out a message to him psychically, telling him that he could come to her; if he was lost and needed someone or something he could come to her and she would help him.
That very afternoon, Marlena's elderly mother heard, from her basement suite in the house, footsteps going up the stairs. Thinking Steve, Marlena's husband, had come home from work early, she made it up the stairs herself to make sure. There was no one else in the home. The sound of footsteps persisted, even after everyone else came home later. They heard them in the hallway at night, stopping outside their bedroom doors. They heard them up and down the stairs.
This went on for a couple of days, when Marlena's daughter who had dated Douglas felt a hand rest on her shoulder as she sat on the couch. Suddenly, she was done, couldn't take it anymore. "Mom, that's it," she cried. "Call Marna."
As Marlena is telling me all this, I'm getting a clear picture of what I'm supposed to do--it's running through my mind like a video.
Three days later finds me at their house, with all sorts of accoutrements. We bring everything into the house, and I set up at the end of their long dining room table. Marlena and her husband sit facing each other across the table, where we arrange our tableau. First is Big Smoke. Big Smoke is an amazing quartz crystal ball, pale smoky in color, that compares in size to a bowling ball. I've had it and worked with it for years, and is often a partner in some wonderful ceremonies and spiritual events.
Marlena has a stand for it, of brass in the shape of dolphins, and we place the sphere upon it. In front of me I arrange my blue bottles of angelic energy essences.* When all is ready, the three of us place our hands onto the sphere. "Concentrate on Douglas," I instruct the other two. "Douglas, please occupy the sphere," I say aloud. "Please take possession of the sphere."
Right away, simultaneously, we all feel it. A sudden thrum, a heartbeat, in the sphere. We can feel it pulsating under our hands, and we look at each other wide-eyed, jaws dropped. Looking back, I guess we should have expected it, but we didn't, and we were all blown away. It kept going; a very strong pulse right there, in that crystal ball, right under our hands. beat, beat, beat
When I recovered myself, I picked up the bottle of Clearing Essence, and sprayed it liberally on the sphere. The three of us rubbed the liquid all over the ball. "Douglas," I addressed our spirit friend, "this is Clearing energy we are applying to this sphere. Please draw it in, just absorb this Clearing energy, Douglas, and take it in. Allow it to wash through you, like a psychic rain, anything that isn't you, or yours. Allow it to wash away any residue of your transition out of the physical, allow it to cleanse you of pain, grief, shame, guilt ... just let it all go, as you absorb this beautiful Clearing energy, and surrender to it."
As I spoke, we could feel the pulse under our fingers, and we could all feel the shift as he did as I asked... the energy changed after he worked through the Clearing energy--it was totally amazing.
I next picked up the bottle of Joy Angelic Energy Essence, and sprayed it on the sphere. We rubbed it all over with our hands, and I said, "Douglas, take in this Joy energy. Allow it to Lighten and Brighten you, to raise your frequency. Surrender to the energy of Joy, Douglas, let go and allow it to flow through you." We took a few minutes with each essence, allowing him time ...
Once again, we noticed the shift in the frequency as Douglas complied with my instruction. We smiled at each other, encouraged with what was unfolding before us. Next I reached for my Peace essence. "Douglas, please surrender to this Peace energy and allow it to permeate your being. Take it in, and feel how it brings calm, peace and contentment to you. Feel yourself relaxing, Douglas, under the influence of this beautiful, peaceful frequency." Again, we felt the shifting frequencies under our fingers as Douglas did so. "Can you believe this?" Marlena whispered ... Smiling, I shook my head. I'd never experienced anything like this. But clearly, it was working. We all felt it.
Next was Love. A bottle of Love??? Right here, you got it--I sprayed it on the sphere. "Douglas, this energy is the frequency of Divine, Unconditional Love. Please relax and allow it to permeate your being." I spoke slowly, softly, with purpose. "As you absorb this energy, Douglas, know that you are Loved, Unconditionally, that you are a perfect facet of Creation just as we all are. You are Enough, and we love you, Douglas, and we ask you to take in this Love energy and Love yourself as much as you are Loved ... " As I spoke, we could literally feel Douglas embody this Love vibration and surrender to it--we could feel the change in the continuing thrum beneath our hands--the heartbeat of the sphere.
We worked our way through a few more energy essences this way--Divine Grace, Healing, Body & Soul (soul retrieval in a bottle!) ... and lastly, Protection.
With the heartbeat still pounding in our palms, I sprayed Protection over the sphere, and with love and compassion, we rubbed it all over the enormous crystalline orb. "Douglas, now, at last, we endow you with Protection. Please absorb this energy of Protection, allow it to permeate your being. Feel it wrap around you in a bubble of Light that keeps you safe..." We watched as the frequency beneath our fingers again shifted with the new influx of energy.
"Douglas, now that you are safe and protected, you can look around you. There you see your loved ones, who are here to guide you to your next destination." I took a deep breath. It was time to let him go. Had I done it right? Was he complete? Only one way to find out. "Douglas, know you are loved, and that your loved ones are watching out for you. And now, Douglas, you are free to let go of this connection, and move on with your guides. We love you."
The three of us watched, waited, as there was one, two more pounding heartbeats, and then, all was quiet. We waited, hands still on the sphere, but it was true--Douglas was gone from the crystal ball.
We took our hands away, sat quietly, holding the space for a few moments. I let out a deep breath. This was an experience like none other I'd had. The profundity of it was sinking in slowly, blowing my mind...
Marlena looked at me. "I think we did it!" she said, a big smile on her face. "I think you're right, it sure seems that way," I answered.
And the proof was in the pudding--or rather, in the complete lack of "ghostly" noises in the house thereafter. No more footsteps in the hallway or up the stairs. No more contact for the daughter. Peace returned to my friends' home, and I can only assume, some measure of peace returned to Douglas.
* I have been channeling 16 different angelic frequencies for years, and figured out how to put them into bottles. I have in total 3 lines of energy essences: Angelic, Elemental & Devic.
Marna, I LOVE your musings and will be a frequent reader. Thank you so much for sharing. Thanks to you the doors to the crystal world have opened for me and I am looking forward to a magical ride. When we open our hearts to the world of infinite possibilities it's amazing what happens! cathy
ReplyDeleteIntense! Wonderful that you were able to give this man and also your friend peace again. I can only imagine how it must have felt to feel that heartbeat...wow!
ReplyDeleteto Eyes -- it was unbelievable. Just crazy! I'll never forget it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cathy! :-)