Uh oh … please don’t tell me that’s a sore throat starting. And, snotty nose? No! Please. I have a big event I have to be ready for in four days. I need to be on top of my game! My serious health situation last fall caused me to miss out on 3 good shows, at which I did not sell any product and did no aura/dowsing demonstrations. I had to cancel my weekly crystal/healing meditations for the same reason—basically, my life ended as I knew it. Last week I was invited to participate in the Healing Fair at the Unity Church in Essex Jct. this Saturday, the 5th. I jumped at the chance, and I’ve been getting my brain working on the literature I need to produce, and which products to get ready. I had hoped to be further along than this by today, but for some reason my energy levels the last week have crashed. Lethargy took over, motivation flew out the window. Interestingly, a few other friends last week told me they were feeling the same way, and yesterday a colleague who’s very cosmic echoed that sentiment. In my meditations the last week or so, I’ve been noticing some weird things about reality … that it isn’t what it should be. Or rather, what we’re used to. Well, now that I say that, I have to laugh, because it’s been shifting a lot, the last couple years especially. But things have really been more nebulous lately. I swear, something will happen in my life that I take note of, and it can be something really mundane; and then a day or a week later something happens that completely negates the reality of that first incident—even though I have “evidence” of it. Weird, crazy stuff. I remember hearing on Art Bell's radio show years ago, two scientists speaking about how the speed of light wasn’t what it used to be. Well, that caused me to prick up my ears. They said “It’s faster now.” That knocked me out. Actually, I felt gratified, because I had been feeling in my bones, for years, that things were speeding up.
Then, a couple months later, I heard another guest on the show talking about how thought is light. They worked for one of the alphabet agencies and were describing to Art a new device that they were using for their covert operatives abroad. These agents can’t have anything on them that would identify them as American spies. So someone came up with this new device through which they could file their reports—telepathically. This device held in it a piece of that operative’s DNA, and it receives their mental messages through the link of the DNA. Well, that was interesting, to say the least. But when I put two & two together, and realized that a) the speed of light is faster now and b) thought travels as/is light—well, we’re all thinking faster then. Which correlates with information from the Maya, Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks), and various other channels, that our manifesting is happening faster now. If we get into energetic alignment with something we want to create, it will happen much faster now. There are other changes in our neck of the galaxy as well. David Wilcock (www.divinecosmos.com) has said in many of his talks/interviews that human DNA is changing at an astonishing rate. He said that we are as different from the ancient Egyptians as they were from the Neanderthals! That was a mind-bender. And that many species are changing on our planet. Then there are all the natural disasters going on, as well as weird stuff like gigantic sinkholes opening up in the earth and a vortex in the Gulf of Aden (Middle East). If we go off-planet, change is rampant; the other planets in our solar system are warming up as well—it’s not global warming, folks, it’s solar-system wide. Ice caps have melted on Mars. Many of the planets are experiencing changes, getting brighter, getting warmer … all kinds of things going on. I find this all fascinating, yet not surprising. I knew from day one that this lifetime was a culmination. This Planet-Earth-in-the-21st-Century show was a not-to-be-missed. Here we are in the thick of it, and for some of us it’s not happening fast enough, for others who like the status quo, their alarm bells are ringing—a little too loudly for comfort. I’m very glad to Be Here Now, even though I do find all the shifting a bit unsettling. However, it does provide a great opportunity to practice what I preach, to walk my talk and turn the travails and obstacles into wonderful opportunities for growth, healing and expansion, leadership and way-showing and non-judgment. Not that I'm always successful--hardly. But intention counts for something, right? See you on the path. Aho.
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